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non-for-profit business

  • 1 non-for-profit business

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > non-for-profit business

  • 2 non-for-profit

    эк. некоммерческий, бесприбыльный (о деятельности, которая не направлена на извлечение прибыли)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > non-for-profit

  • 3 non-for-profit financial management

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > non-for-profit financial management

  • 4 non-profit organization

    сокр. NPO эк., юр. некоммерческая организация (организация, целью которой является не получение прибыли, а выполнение каких-л. социально значимых функций, напр., благотворительная организация, образовательный или научный институт и т. д.)
    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > non-profit organization

  • 5 non-profit organization

    non-profit organization, nonprofit organization (NPO) 1. GEN, LAW, SOC, TAX Nonprofit-Organisation f, nicht gewinnorientierte Organisation f, nicht erwerbswirtschaftlich tätige Organisation f (synonymous: third sector organization, not-for-profit organization, non-business organization, NBO; Kennzeichen: Freiwilligkeit, Selbstbestimmtheit, keine Gewinnausschüttungen; Verkauf nicht individuell konsumierbarer Güter und Dienstleistungen durch nicht primär erwerbswirtschaftlich tätige Organisationen in privater Trägerschaft); gemeinnützige Organisation f; 2. ECON gemeinnützige Organisation f, Organisation f ohne Erwerbscharakter

    Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > non-profit organization

  • 6 Business Alliance for Local Living Economies

    Non-profit-making organization: BALLE

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Business Alliance for Local Living Economies

  • 7 Business Executives For National Security

    Non-profit-making organization: BENS

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Business Executives For National Security

  • 8 profit

    фін., бухг. n прибуток; зиск; a прибутковий; зисковний
    матеріальна вигода, одержувана з якої-небудь ділової діяльності, величина якої залежить від різниці між надходженнями (revenue²), напр. від реалізації товарів і послуг, та витратами (expenses¹) на їх виготовлення
    accounting profit звітний прибуток; accumulated profit нагромаджений прибуток; actual profit фактичний прибуток; adjusted profit скоригований прибуток; after-tax profit прибуток після оподаткування; annual profit річний прибуток; anticipated profit очікуваний прибуток; average profit середній прибуток; before-tax profit прибуток до відрахування податку; boom profit кон'юнктурний прибуток; business profit торговельний прибуток; calculated profit розрахунковий прибуток; clear profit чистий прибуток; commercial profit торговельний прибуток; compound operating profit сукупний прибуток підприємства; computed profit розрахунковий прибуток; consolidated profit консолідований прибуток; corporate profit прибуток корпорації; declared profit заявлений прибуток; deferred gross profit відстрочений валовий прибуток; distributed profit розподілений прибуток; earned profit одержаний прибуток • зароблений прибуток; estimated profit розрахунковий прибуток • кошторисний прибуток; excess profit надприбуток; expected profit сподіваний прибуток • очікуваний прибуток; fair profit справедливий прибуток; gross profit валовий прибуток; huge profit величезний прибуток; incidental profit непередбачений прибуток; intercompany profit внутрішньо-фірмовий прибуток; inventory profit складський прибуток; marginal profit мінімальний прибуток • граничний прибуток; maximum profit максимальний прибуток; monthly profit місячний прибуток; net profit чистий прибуток; net trading profit чистий торговельний прибуток; normal profit нормальний прибуток; operating profit; paper profit паперовий прибуток • потенційний (нереалізований прибуток) (напр., внаслідок підвищення цін або курсів); planned profit планований прибуток; рге-acquisition profits нерозподілені прибутки проданої компанії; pretax profit прибуток до відрахування податку; realized profit реалізований прибуток з продажу; relative profit відносний прибуток; reported profit заявлений прибуток; residual profit залишковий прибуток; retained profit нерозподілений прибуток; steady profit стійкий прибуток; supernormal profit надприбуток; surplus profit надлишковий прибуток; sustained profit стійкий прибуток; target profit цільовий прибуток; taxable profit оподатковуваний прибуток; trading profit торговельний прибуток; undistributed profit нерозподілений прибуток; unit profit прибуток на одиницю продукції
    at a profit з прибутком; loss of profits втрата прибутків; net profit on sales чистий прибуток з продажу; non-profit organization неприбуткова організація; profit and loss прибутки і збитки; profit and loss account; profit and loss statement; profit and reserve fund прибуток і резервний фонд; profit before depreciation прибуток до відрахування на амортизацію; profit before tax прибуток до оподаткування; profit brought forward прибуток, перенесений на наступний період; profit budget планований прибуток; profit centre; profit earned одержаний прибуток; profit earning одержання прибутку; profit for a period прибуток за період; profit from investments прибуток від капіталовкладення; profit margin; profit on account прибуток на рахунку; profit on capital invested прибуток на інвестований капітал; profit on investments прибуток від капіталовкладення; profit or loss after tax прибуток або збиток після оплати податків; profit per unit прибуток на одиницю продукції; profit sharing частка в прибутках; to allot a profit розподіляти/розподілити прибуток; to apportion a profit розподіляти/розподілити прибуток; to derive a profit отримувати/отримати прибуток; to distribute profits розподіляти/розподілити прибуток; to draw a profit одержувати/одержати прибуток; to ensure a profit забезпечувати/забезпечити прибуток; to gain a profit одержувати/одержати прибуток; to increase profits збільшувати/збільшити прибуток; to make a profit отримувати/отримати прибуток • одержувати/одержати прибуток; to operate at a profit працювати з прибутком; to plough back profits капіталізувати прибуток • інвестувати прибуток; to reduce profits зменшувати/зменшити прибуток; to render a profit приносити/принести прибуток; to return a profit приносити/принести прибуток; to secure a profit забезпечувати/забезпечити прибуток; to sell at a profit продавати/продати з прибутком; to share in profits мати частку прибутку; to show a profit бути прибутковим; to yield a profit приносити/принести прибуток
    * * *

    The English-Ukrainian Dictionary > profit

  • 9 charitable organization

    эк. благотворительная организация (организация, осуществляющая свою деятельность в благотворительных целях; это может быть организация, которая либо сама организует благотворительные мероприятия (помогает нуждающимся, больным и т. п.), либо направляет весь доход от своей деятельности в помощь нуждающимся, больным, детям-сиротам и т. д., на развитие библиотек, культурных и образовательных организаций и т. д., на проведение медицинских и других полезных для всего общества исследований)
    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > charitable organization

  • 10 некоммерческая организация

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > некоммерческая организация

  • 11 company

    1) общ. общество, компания; гость, гости

    in company — в обществе, на людях

    in company with smb. — в обществе кого-л.

    2) общ. собеседник; партнер по общению
    3) сокр. Co
    а) эк. компания; фирма; предприятие

    capital goods company — компания, выпускающая средства производства

    company under foreign ownership — компания, являющаяся иностранной собственностью

    to set up [form, found\] a company — основать [учредить\] компанию

    to float a company [to launch\] a company — учредить компанию и выпустить ее акции на рынок

    advertising company, barter company, bartering company, cargo-handling company, controlling company, controlled company, domestic company, employee leasing company, export management company, export-import company, factor company, factoring company, foreign company, forfaiting company, forwarding company, freight-handling company, global company, holding company, import-export company, international business company, international company, internationally-based company, leasing company, life settlement company, logistics company, multinational company, offshore company, overseas company, parent company, pension company, sister company, subsidiary company, supranational company, title company, title insurance company, transnational company, wholesale company, affiliated company, agent-owned reinsurance company, captive insurance company, allied company, ancillary company, associate company, related company, auxiliary company, benevolent company, bogus company, captive finance company, captive insurance company, charitable company, chartered company, close company, close investment holding company, closed company, closed end management company, closed-end investment company, close-end investment company, closed-end management company, investment company, commercial company, company agreement, company auditor, company bargaining, company bull, company by-law, company car, company card, company doctor, company formation, company indicia, company law, company limited by guarantee, company limited by shares, company man, company name, company officer, company registrar, company secretary, company statute, company tax, company treasurer, company union, company unionism, company-wide, defunct company, dormant company, established company, exempt private company, farming company, formation of company, incorporated company, independent company, intercompany transaction, investment trust company, joint company, joint stock company, limited company, limited liability company, limited purpose trust company, management company, multiplant company, mutual company, nominee company, non-commercial company, non-for-profit company, not-for-profit company, one man company, open-end company, paper company, plan company, private company, private limited company, private limited liability company, proprietary company, public company, public limited company, public limited liability company, public utility company, publicly held company, publicly owned company, publicly traded company, quasi-public company, registered company, registration of company, regulated company, related company, shell company, sleeping company, small business investment company, small company, statutory company, sub-company, trust company, underlying company, unlimited company, blue chip company, company officer 2) African Management Services Company
    б) эк., юр., амер. (собирательное понятие, применяемое, как правило, к формам организации бизнеса, имеющим в основе своей деятельности объединение капиталов: корпорации, товариществу и т. п.; не применяется по отношению к такой форме, как индивидуальное предпринимательство)
    в) эк., юр., брит. = corporation 2) б),
    г) ист. (те члены коммерческой организации, чьи фамилии не упоминаются в названии)
    4) общ., разг., амер. контора*, органы* (Центральное разведывательное управление США, ЦРУ; с определенным артиклем, с прописной буквы)
    5) эк. тр. гильдия (организация, действующая в Лондонском Сити, занимающаяся в основном благотворительной деятельностью и образовавшаяся из средневековых профессиональных объединений)
    6) мор. экипаж, команда
    7) воен. воинская единица; батальон, рота ( пехотные), батарея ( артиллерийская), эскадрон ( кавалерийский)

    * * *
    company (Co; Coy) компания: юридическое лицо, представляющее собой ассоциацию вкладчиков капитала (акционеров) для осуществления той или иной деятельности (товарищество, акционерная компания); = corporation 2.
    * * *
    компания, акционерное общество, фирма
    . . Словарь экономических терминов .
    * * *
    корпоративное предприятие, которое является юридическим лицом, в отличие от его участников; компания оперирует как самостоятельная единица, успеха которой добиваются все ее члены

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > company

  • 12 comercial

    1 commercial.
    relaciones comerciales trade relations
    2 store.
    f. & m.
    sales rep (vendedor, representante).
    commercial, ad, advertisement, advert.
    * * *
    1 (del comercio) commercial
    2 (de tiendas) shopping
    1 (vendedor) seller; (hombre) salesman; (mujer) saleswoman
    banco comercial commercial bank
    tratado comercial commercial treaty
    * * *
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=de tiendas) [área, recinto] shopping antes de s
    2) (=financiero) [carta, operación] business antes de s ; [balanza, déficit, guerra, embargo] trade antes de s ; [intercambio, estrategia] commercial

    el interés comercial de la empresathe commercial o trading interests of the company

    su novela alcanzó un gran éxito comercial — his novel was very successful commercially, his novel achieved great commercial success

    agente 1., local 2., 1)
    3) [aviación, avión, piloto] civil
    4) [cine, teatro, literatura] commercial
    SMF (=vendedor) salesperson
    * * *
    a) <zona/operación/carta> business (before n)

    nuestra división comercialour sales o marketing department; galería, centro

    b) <película/arte> commercial
    1) (AmL) commercial, advert (BrE)
    2) (CS) (Educ) business school
    femenino o masculino ( tienda)
    * * *
    = commercial, commercially available, entrepreneurial, fee-based, marketing, priceable, for-profit, consumer-like, business-like, business-related, market-orientated [market orientated], profit-making, profit-related, readily available, trade-oriented, profit-orientated, marketable, business, off-the-shelf, commercially operated, market-oriented [market oriented], profit-oriented, out of the box, profit-generating.
    Ex. It is these features which have led co-operative members to select these systems rather than those of the commercial software vendor.
    Ex. Computerized information-retrieval systems are also very prominent in commercially available online search systems and applications.
    Ex. It was noteworthy that nearly all SLIS were maintaining their IT materials as much, if not more, from earnings from entrepreneurial activity than out of institutional allocation.
    Ex. The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
    Ex. Business International Inc. is another US service covering economic and marketing activities in over seventy countries.
    Ex. Neither are the latter group, in the course of their professional activities, likely to feel that the treatment of information as a priceable commodity compromises a principle fundamental to their professional ethic.
    Ex. The friction in this industry between private, for-profit services and not-for-profit learned societies or government bodies is deep-seated.
    Ex. I tried to say at the very outset of my remarks that there probably has not been sufficient consumer-like and assertive leverage exerted upon our chief suppliers.
    Ex. It was generally felt that US libraries are organised on more business-like lines than those in the Netherlands.
    Ex. Twinning of libraries in different countries can bring benefits in terms of joint projects, student exchanges, and other buisness-related affairs.
    Ex. In the middle range of authorship there is, then, quite a wide band of writing stretching from the scholarly to the market-orientated = En el nivel medio de autoría existe, pues, a una gran gama de producciones escritas que van desde lo científico a lo comercial.
    Ex. Many types of budgets are not really applicable to libraries, since libraries are not primarily profit-making institutions.
    Ex. However these distinctions are not always clear cut, the public sector may pursue profit-related goals and the private sector may adopt other goals besides profit (improving work environments, quality of life).
    Ex. Librarians generally adopt the common strategy of simply using readily available sources of information.
    Ex. Trade-oriented scholarly presses also predict more titles, smaller press runs and higher prices.
    Ex. Information producers and sellers are profit-orientated.
    Ex. Central to this is the belief that information is a marketable commodity.
    Ex. A major concern of the journal will be the business, economic, legal, societal and technological relationships between information technology and information resource management.
    Ex. A standard off-the-shelf version costs 450 and fully tailored systems usually fall into the range 1,250 -- 1,450.
    Ex. There are a number of microfilming centres in the country including two commercially operated microfilming services.
    Ex. The market oriented economy is changing the role of information and business information services.
    Ex. The author points out dangers inherent in the fact that on-line data bases are privately owned and profit-oriented.
    Ex. Software vendors provide manuals for the ' out of the box' programs they sell.
    Ex. Examples of determined efforts to erase the intellectual boundaries between the profit-generating models of business and the intellectual pursuits of the academic community are considered.
    * actividad comercial = commercial activity.
    * anuncio comercial = commercial.
    * aplicación comercial = commercial application, business application.
    * aplicaciones comerciales = commercial software.
    * argumento comercial = business case.
    * asequible en establecimiento comercial = over the counter.
    * aviación comercial = commercial aviation.
    * bajo comercial = commercial premise.
    * banco comercial = business bank.
    * barrera comercial = trade barrier.
    * carta comercial = business letter.
    * casa comercial = house.
    * caso comercial = business case.
    * catálogo comercial de compra por correo = mail order catalogue.
    * centro comercial = shopping centre, shopping precinct, mall of shops, plaza.
    * comercial 7 papel comercial = commercial paper.
    * compañía comercial = business firm.
    * correspondencia comercial = business correspondence.
    * déficit comercial = trade deficit.
    * déficit de la balanza comercial = trade deficit.
    * de gran éxito comercial = high selling.
    * demanda comercial = market demand, commercial demand.
    * de modo comercial = on a commercial basis.
    * de un gran éxito comercial = best selling [bestselling/best-selling], top-selling.
    * de uso comercial = commercially-owned.
    * director comercial = chief commercial officer.
    * directorio comercial = trade directory, traders' list, traders' catalogue.
    * directorio comercial por calles = street directory.
    * distrito comercial = business district.
    * diversificación comercial = business diversification.
    * edificio comercial = commercial building.
    * editor comercial = commercial publisher.
    * editorial comercial = publishing firm, publishing press.
    * emporio comercial = emporium [emporia, -pl.].
    * empresa comercial = business firm.
    * estafa comercial = business scam.
    * estrategia comercial = business plan, market strategy.
    * éxito comercial = commercial success, financial success.
    * firma comercial = commercial firm, firm, commercial enterprise, business firm.
    * galería comercial = shopping arcade, walking arcade.
    * horario comercial = business hours.
    * industria de las exposiciones comerciales = trade show industry.
    * inglés "comercial" = pidgin English.
    * licencia comercial = trading licence.
    * mantener relaciones comerciales = do + business.
    * marca comercial = brand name, servicemark, trade name.
    * mundo comercial, el = commercial world, the.
    * nación comercial = trading nation.
    * no comercial = non-profit making, non-commercial [noncommercial].
    * novedad comercial = industry update.
    * para uso comercial = commercially-owned.
    * parque comercial = business estate.
    * poco comercial = uncommercial.
    * polígono comercial = business estate.
    * presentación comercial = technical presentation.
    * producto comercial = retail product.
    * programa informático comercial = commercial application, commercial software.
    * programas comerciales = commercial software.
    * propuesta comercial = business proposition.
    * proyecto comercial = marketing project.
    * razonamiento comercial = business case.
    * relaciones comerciales = business dealings.
    * rentabilidad comercial = business profitability.
    * representante comercial = business traveller.
    * riesgo comercial = business risk.
    * secreto comercial = competitive information.
    * sector comercial, el = profit-oriented sector, the, profit sector, the, commercial sector, the, for-profit sector, the.
    * sector no comercial, el = not-for-profit sector, the, non-profit sector, the.
    * servicio comercial = commercial service.
    * sistema comercial = market system, commercial system.
    * situado en la calle comercial = shop-front [shopfront] .
    * socio comercial = business associate.
    * software comercial = commercial software.
    * valor comercial = commercial paper.
    * vehículo comercial = commercial vehicle.
    * viajante comercial = business traveller.
    * visión comercial = business acumen.
    * vuelo comercial = commercial flight.
    * zona comercial = business district, shopping area, shopping district.
    * * *
    a) <zona/operación/carta> business (before n)

    nuestra división comercialour sales o marketing department; galería, centro

    b) <película/arte> commercial
    1) (AmL) commercial, advert (BrE)
    2) (CS) (Educ) business school
    femenino o masculino ( tienda)
    * * *
    = commercial, commercially available, entrepreneurial, fee-based, marketing, priceable, for-profit, consumer-like, business-like, business-related, market-orientated [market orientated], profit-making, profit-related, readily available, trade-oriented, profit-orientated, marketable, business, off-the-shelf, commercially operated, market-oriented [market oriented], profit-oriented, out of the box, profit-generating.

    Ex: It is these features which have led co-operative members to select these systems rather than those of the commercial software vendor.

    Ex: Computerized information-retrieval systems are also very prominent in commercially available online search systems and applications.
    Ex: It was noteworthy that nearly all SLIS were maintaining their IT materials as much, if not more, from earnings from entrepreneurial activity than out of institutional allocation.
    Ex: The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
    Ex: Business International Inc. is another US service covering economic and marketing activities in over seventy countries.
    Ex: Neither are the latter group, in the course of their professional activities, likely to feel that the treatment of information as a priceable commodity compromises a principle fundamental to their professional ethic.
    Ex: The friction in this industry between private, for-profit services and not-for-profit learned societies or government bodies is deep-seated.
    Ex: I tried to say at the very outset of my remarks that there probably has not been sufficient consumer-like and assertive leverage exerted upon our chief suppliers.
    Ex: It was generally felt that US libraries are organised on more business-like lines than those in the Netherlands.
    Ex: Twinning of libraries in different countries can bring benefits in terms of joint projects, student exchanges, and other buisness-related affairs.
    Ex: In the middle range of authorship there is, then, quite a wide band of writing stretching from the scholarly to the market-orientated = En el nivel medio de autoría existe, pues, a una gran gama de producciones escritas que van desde lo científico a lo comercial.
    Ex: Many types of budgets are not really applicable to libraries, since libraries are not primarily profit-making institutions.
    Ex: However these distinctions are not always clear cut, the public sector may pursue profit-related goals and the private sector may adopt other goals besides profit (improving work environments, quality of life).
    Ex: Librarians generally adopt the common strategy of simply using readily available sources of information.
    Ex: Trade-oriented scholarly presses also predict more titles, smaller press runs and higher prices.
    Ex: Information producers and sellers are profit-orientated.
    Ex: Central to this is the belief that information is a marketable commodity.
    Ex: A major concern of the journal will be the business, economic, legal, societal and technological relationships between information technology and information resource management.
    Ex: A standard off-the-shelf version costs 450 and fully tailored systems usually fall into the range 1,250 -- 1,450.
    Ex: There are a number of microfilming centres in the country including two commercially operated microfilming services.
    Ex: The market oriented economy is changing the role of information and business information services.
    Ex: The author points out dangers inherent in the fact that on-line data bases are privately owned and profit-oriented.
    Ex: Software vendors provide manuals for the ' out of the box' programs they sell.
    Ex: Examples of determined efforts to erase the intellectual boundaries between the profit-generating models of business and the intellectual pursuits of the academic community are considered.
    * actividad comercial = commercial activity.
    * anuncio comercial = commercial.
    * aplicación comercial = commercial application, business application.
    * aplicaciones comerciales = commercial software.
    * argumento comercial = business case.
    * asequible en establecimiento comercial = over the counter.
    * aviación comercial = commercial aviation.
    * bajo comercial = commercial premise.
    * banco comercial = business bank.
    * barrera comercial = trade barrier.
    * carta comercial = business letter.
    * casa comercial = house.
    * caso comercial = business case.
    * catálogo comercial de compra por correo = mail order catalogue.
    * centro comercial = shopping centre, shopping precinct, mall of shops, plaza.
    * comercial 7 papel comercial = commercial paper.
    * compañía comercial = business firm.
    * correspondencia comercial = business correspondence.
    * déficit comercial = trade deficit.
    * déficit de la balanza comercial = trade deficit.
    * de gran éxito comercial = high selling.
    * demanda comercial = market demand, commercial demand.
    * de modo comercial = on a commercial basis.
    * de un gran éxito comercial = best selling [bestselling/best-selling], top-selling.
    * de uso comercial = commercially-owned.
    * director comercial = chief commercial officer.
    * directorio comercial = trade directory, traders' list, traders' catalogue.
    * directorio comercial por calles = street directory.
    * distrito comercial = business district.
    * diversificación comercial = business diversification.
    * edificio comercial = commercial building.
    * editor comercial = commercial publisher.
    * editorial comercial = publishing firm, publishing press.
    * emporio comercial = emporium [emporia, -pl.].
    * empresa comercial = business firm.
    * estafa comercial = business scam.
    * estrategia comercial = business plan, market strategy.
    * éxito comercial = commercial success, financial success.
    * firma comercial = commercial firm, firm, commercial enterprise, business firm.
    * galería comercial = shopping arcade, walking arcade.
    * horario comercial = business hours.
    * industria de las exposiciones comerciales = trade show industry.
    * inglés "comercial" = pidgin English.
    * licencia comercial = trading licence.
    * mantener relaciones comerciales = do + business.
    * marca comercial = brand name, servicemark, trade name.
    * mundo comercial, el = commercial world, the.
    * nación comercial = trading nation.
    * no comercial = non-profit making, non-commercial [noncommercial].
    * novedad comercial = industry update.
    * para uso comercial = commercially-owned.
    * parque comercial = business estate.
    * poco comercial = uncommercial.
    * polígono comercial = business estate.
    * presentación comercial = technical presentation.
    * producto comercial = retail product.
    * programa informático comercial = commercial application, commercial software.
    * programas comerciales = commercial software.
    * propuesta comercial = business proposition.
    * proyecto comercial = marketing project.
    * razonamiento comercial = business case.
    * relaciones comerciales = business dealings.
    * rentabilidad comercial = business profitability.
    * representante comercial = business traveller.
    * riesgo comercial = business risk.
    * secreto comercial = competitive information.
    * sector comercial, el = profit-oriented sector, the, profit sector, the, commercial sector, the, for-profit sector, the.
    * sector no comercial, el = not-for-profit sector, the, non-profit sector, the.
    * servicio comercial = commercial service.
    * sistema comercial = market system, commercial system.
    * situado en la calle comercial = shop-front [shopfront].
    * socio comercial = business associate.
    * software comercial = commercial software.
    * valor comercial = commercial paper.
    * vehículo comercial = commercial vehicle.
    * viajante comercial = business traveller.
    * visión comercial = business acumen.
    * vuelo comercial = commercial flight.
    * zona comercial = business district, shopping area, shopping district.

    * * *
    1 ‹distrito/operación› business ( before n)
    una importante firma comercial an important company
    el desequilibrio comercial entre los dos países the trade imbalance between the two countries
    un emporio comercial fenicio a Phoenician trading post
    algunos critican su agresividad comercial some people criticize their aggressive approach to business
    el déficit comercial the trade deficit
    una carta comercial a business letter
    nuevas iniciativas comerciales new business initiatives
    nuestra división comercial our sales o marketing department
    el derribo de un avión comercial the shooting down of a civil aircraft
    2 ‹película/arte› commercial
    ( AmL)
    commercial, advert ( BrE)
    (tienda): [ S ] Comercial Hernández Hernandez's Stores
    B (CS) ( Educ) business school
    * * *


    comercial adjetivo
    a)zona/operación/carta business ( before n);

    el déficit comercial the trade deficit;
    See Also→ galería, centro
    b)película/arte commercial

    ■ sustantivo masculino

    b) (CS) (Educ) business school

    comercial adjetivo commercial
    ' comercial' also found in these entries:
    - centro
    - depresión
    - erotizar
    - galería
    - propaganda
    - recibo
    - Sres.
    - feria
    - gerente
    - pasaje
    - relación
    - señalización
    - señalizar
    - zona
    - arcade
    - brand name
    - business
    - commercial
    - commercialize
    - delay
    - delegation
    - head-hunt
    - mall
    - merchant bank
    - moneymaker
    - profit margin
    - rep
    - run across
    - sales brochure
    - sales promotion
    - sales rep
    - selling point
    - shopping centre
    - trade agreement
    - trade deficit
    - trade embargo
    - trade gap
    - trade route
    - tradename
    - trading partner
    - trading results
    - unbusinesslike
    - break
    - cash
    - fair
    - for
    - mix
    - opening
    - plaza
    - precinct
    - representative
    - shopping
    - trade
    - trading
    * * *
    1. [de empresas] commercial;
    [embargo, déficit, disputa] trade;
    relaciones comerciales trade relations;
    aviación comercial civil aviation;
    política comercial trade policy;
    gestión comercial business management
    2. [que se vende bien] commercial;
    una película muy comercial a very commercial film
    [vendedor, representante] sales rep
    Am commercial, Br advert
    * * *
    I adj commercial; de negocios business atr ;
    el déficit comercial the trade deficit
    II m/f representative
    III m L.Am. ( anuncio) commercial
    * * *
    comercial adj & nm
    : commercial
    * * *
    comercial1 adj commercial
    comercial2 n salesman [pl. salesmen] / saleswoman [pl. saleswomen]

    Spanish-English dictionary > comercial

  • 13 sin

    buscan gente sin experiencia previa they are looking for people with no o without previous experience
    sin alcohol alcohol-free
    ha escrito cinco libros sin (contar) las novelas he has written five books, not counting his novels
    está sin hacer it hasn't been done yet
    estamos sin vino we're out of wine
    muchos se quedaron sin casa a lot of people were left homeless, a lot of people lost their homes
    lleva tres noches sin dormir she hasn't slept for three nights
    sin que without
    sin que nadie se enterara without anyone noticing
    sin más (ni más) just like that
    INS, Immigration and Naturalization Service.
    * * *
    1 (carencia) without
    2 (además de) not counting
    estar sin algo to be out of something
    estar sin + inf not to have been + past participle
    quedarse sin algo to run out of something
    seguir sin to still not
    sin casar unmarried
    sin lo cual otherwise
    sin más ni más without further ado
    sin que + subjuntivo without + - ing
    sin querer accidentally, by mistake
    sin vergüenza shameless
    * * *
    * * *
    1. PREP
    1) [seguido de sustantivo, pronombre] without

    ¿puedes abrirla sin llave? — can you open it without a key?

    llevamos diez meses sin noticias — it's been ten months since we've had any news, we've been ten months without news

    parejas jóvenes, sin hijos — young couples with no children

    cerveza sin alcohol — alcohol-free beer, non-alcoholic beer

    estar sin algo, estuvimos varias horas sin luz — we had no electricity for several hours

    quedarse sin algo — (=terminarse) to run out of sth; (=perder) to lose sth

    sin papeles SMF illegal immigrant

    2) (=no incluyendo) not including, excluding

    ese es el precio de la bañera sin los grifos — that is the price of the bath, excluding o not including the taps

    cuesta 550 euros, sin IVA — it costs 550 euros, exclusive of VAT o not including VAT

    3) + infin
    a) [indicando acción]

    nos despedimos, no sin antes recordarles que... — (TV) before saying goodnight we'd like to remind you that...

    no me gusta estar sin hacer nada — I don't like having nothing to do, I don't like doing nothing

    b) [indicando continuidad]

    llevan mucho tiempo sin hablarse — they haven't spoken to each other for a long time

    seguir sin, las camas seguían sin hacer — the beds still hadn't been made

    c) [tras sustantivo pasivo]

    sin que+ subjun without

    sin que él lo sepa — without him knowing, without his knowing

    SF (=cerveza sin alcohol) alcohol-free beer
    * * *

    cerveza sin alcohol — non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer

    una pareja sin hijos — a couple with no children, a childless couple


    sin + inf — ( con significado activo) without -ing


    sin + inf — ( con significado pasivo)


    sin que + subj: no voy a ir sin que me inviten I'm not going if I haven't been invited; quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta — get it off him without his o without him noticing

    * * *
    Ex. Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully = Sin las RCAA es dudoso que la catalogación automatizada se hubiera implementado tan fácilmente y con tanto éxito, relativamente hablando.
    * abogado sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * acercarse sin ser visto = sidle up to.
    * afable pero sin sinceridad = suave.
    * agua sin gas = still water.
    * andar sin prisa = mosey.
    * arreglárselas sin = live without, get along without.
    * aunque sin ningún resultado = but (all) to no avail.
    * barato pero sin avergonzarse de ello = cheap and cheerful.
    * biblioteca sin muros = library without walls.
    * biblioteca sin paredes = library without walls.
    * bordado sin consido = needlepoint lace.
    * callejón sin salida = blind alley, catch 22, cul-de-sac, dead end, impasse.
    * camino sin rumbo = the road to nowhere.
    * casi sin previo aviso = without much notice.
    * coche sin caballos = horseless carriage automobile, horseless carriage.
    * colocado sin escalón entre pieza y pieza = edge-flush.
    * continuar sin detenerse = go straight ahead.
    * conversación sin trascendencia = small-talk.
    * decir rápidamente sin parar = rattle off.
    * dejar a Alguien sin aliento = leave + Nombre + breathless.
    * dejar sin cambiar = leave + unchanged.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * dejar sin referente a una referencia anafórica = dangle + anaphoric reference.
    * dejar sin tocar = leave + Nombre + alone.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * demanda sin variaciones = inelastic demand.
    * demostrar sin lugar a dudas = prove + conclusively.
    * demostrar sin ninguna duda = demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * demostrar sin ningún género de duda = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, demonstrate + emphatically, demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * estar sin vivir = be worried sick.
    * evaluación sin intervención del examinador = unobtrusive testing.
    * hablando sin rodeos = crudely put.
    * hablar sin parar = burble on.
    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues.
    * hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * homicidio sin premeditación = manslaughter.
    * ir a un Sitio sin prisa = mosey.
    * lanzarse sin ton ni son = dive + head-first.
    * más largo que un día sin pan = as long as (my/your) arm.
    * medicamento sin receta médica = over the counter medicine.
    * método de la media sin ponderar = unweighted means method.
    * nación sin estado = stateless nation.
    * noche sin poder dormir = sleepless night.
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no sin fundamento = not without basis.
    * oficina sin papel = paperless office.
    * papel sin acidez = acid-free paper.
    * pasar desadvertido, pasar sin ser visto = sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar sin = live without, live without.
    * pasar sin ser visto = go + unnoticed.
    * película sin fin = filmloop [film loop/film-loop].
    * permanecer sin cambios = remain + unchanged.
    * permanecer sin especificar = remain + undefined.
    * pero sin conseguirlo = but no dice.
    * pero sin suerte = but no dice.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * personas sin hogar = homelessness.
    * personas sin techo = homelessness.
    * político sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * pozo sin fondo = bottomless pit.
    * pregunta sin respuesta = unanswerable question.
    * publicación sin papel = paperless publishing.
    * quedarse sin aliento = run out of + breath.
    * quedarse sin habla = stun into + speechlessness.
    * quedarse sin negocio = go out of + business.
    * quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness.
    * rechazar sin más = dismiss + out of hand.
    * referencia anafórica sin referente = dangling anaphoric reference.
    * rima sin sentido = nonsense, nonsense verse.
    * salir sin ser visto = slip out.
    * sin abrir = unopened.
    * sin abrirse = unfolded.
    * sin abrochar = undone.
    * sin acabar = unfinished.
    * sin acentuar = unaccented.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin adornos = unadorned, unvarnished.
    * sin afectar = unaffected.
    * sin afeitar = unshaven.
    * sin afeitar desde hace varios días = stubbly [stubblier -comp., stubbliest -sup.].
    * sin afiliación a un partido político = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * sin afiliación religiosa = non-sectarian [nonsectarian].
    * sin agua = waterless.
    * sin aguja = needleless.
    * sin ajustar = unadjusted, loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin alcohol = alcoholfree.
    * sin aliento = breathlessly, breathless.
    * sin alinear = unjustified.
    * sin alterar = unaltered, unmodified.
    * sin ambigüedad = unambiguous.
    * sin amor = loveless.
    * sin analizar = unexamined, unanalysed.
    * sin ánimo = despondently.
    * sin ánimo de lucro = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making, not-for-profit, generously.
    * sin apenas ser oído = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin apoyo = unsupported.
    * sin apretar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin árboles = treeless.
    * sin arreglo = beyond repair.
    * sin arrepentimiento = no-looking-back.
    * sin asignar = unallocated.
    * sin asignar todavía = unassigned.
    * sin asimilar = undigested.
    * sin atajar = unconfronted.
    * sin atractivo = unattractive.
    * sin atrasos = paid-up, in good standing.
    * sin autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unlicensed.
    * sin avergonzarse = unashamed.
    * sin avisar = unannounced, out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin aviso previo = without warning.
    * sin ayuda = unaided, unassisted.
    * sin ayuda de nadie = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * sin barba = beardless.
    * sin barnizar = unvarnished.
    * sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.
    * sin blanca = broke, skint.
    * sin blanquear = unbleached.
    * sin blindar = unshielded.
    * sin bombo(s) ni platillo(s) = without much ado.
    * sin brillo = dull, tarnished.
    * sin cabeza = headless, decapitated.
    * sin cables = wireless.
    * sin cafeina = decaffeinated.
    * sin calorías = calorieless.
    * sin cambio = inviolate.
    * sin cambios = monotone, stable, undisturbed, unchanged, unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin cancelar = uncancelled.
    * sin canjear = unredeemed.
    * sin cansancio = indefatigably.
    * sin capacidad de discernimiento = undiscriminating.
    * sin cara = faceless.
    * sin carácter = boneless, spineless.
    * sin carne = meatless.
    * sin castigo = impunitive, unpunished.
    * sin catalogar = uncatalogued [uncataloged, -USA].
    * sin causa alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin causa aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin causa justificada = without justified reason.
    * sin causar daño = harmlessly.
    * sin ceremonias = unceremonious, unceremoniously.
    * sin cerrar con llave = unlocked.
    * sin certeza de cobrar = on spec.
    * sin cesar = steadily.
    * sin clases sociales = classless.
    * sin clavos = studless.
    * sin clemencia = mercilessly.
    * sin cobrar = free of charge, unredeemed, uncollected.
    * sin cohesión = scrappily, scrappy [scrappier -comp., scrappiest -sup.], bitty [bittier -comp., bittiest -sup.].
    * sin cohibiciones = unselfconsciously.
    * sin cola = ecaudate.
    * sin columnas = single-column.
    * sin comentar = unannotated.
    * sin comerlo ni beberlo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin comérselo ni bebérselo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin compasión = mercilessly.
    * sin complicaciones = smoothly, boilerplate [boiler plate], uncomplicated, straightforward, uncomplicatedly, hassle-free.
    * sin comprimir = uncompressed.
    * sin comprobar = untested.
    * sin compromiso = without obligation, fancy-free.
    * sin compromisos = with no strings attached.
    * sin concluir = unfinished.
    * sin concretar = to be decided.
    * sin condiciones = unconditionally.
    * sin condiciones especiales = with no strings attached.
    * sin confirmar = unconfirmed, unsubstantiated, unvalidated, to be confirmed.
    * sin conocer = ignorant of.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anteriormente = stateless.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anterior = stateless.
    * sin constancia de ello = unrecorded.
    * sin consumir = nonconsumptive.
    * sin contacto = non-contact.
    * sin contaminar = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * sin contar = not including, excluding.
    * sin contar con = in the absence of.
    * sin contenido = contentless, trivial.
    * sin contratiempos = smoothly.
    * sin control = uncontrolled.
    * sin controlar = unsupervised.
    * sin convicción = doubtfully, lamely.
    * sin coordinación = uncoordinated [unco-ordinated].
    * sin corregir = unamended, uncorrected, unrevised.
    * sin correlacionar = uncorrelated.
    * sin corroborar = unsubstantiated.
    * sin cortapisas = untrammelled.
    * sin cortar = uncut.
    * sin coscarse = without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin costas = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin coste alguno = at no personal cost, at no cost, without cost, costless, without charge, free of charge, free of cost, cost free, for free, at no charge.
    * sin costo adicional alguno = at no extra charge, at no extra cost, at no extra charge.
    * sin costuras = seamless.
    * sin crecimiento = non-growth.
    * sin créditos = non-credit.
    * sin criterio alguno = indiscriminate, indiscriminately.
    * sin cuajar = runny [runnier -comp., runniest -sup.].
    * sin cuantificar = unmeasured.
    * sin cubrir = unfilled.
    * sin cuestionarlo = uncritically.
    * sin cultura = uncultured.
    * sin daños = undamaged.
    * sin dar basto = left, right and centre.
    * sin darle importancia = airily.
    * sin darme cuenta = before I know what's happened.
    * sin darnos cuenta = out of sight.
    * sin darse cuenta = inadvertently, unwittingly, unknowingly, without realising, without noticing, unconsciously.
    * sin debatir = undiscussed.
    * sin decir nada = dumbly.
    * sin decir ni mú = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir ni pío = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin defecto = untainted, unblemished.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * sin dejar rastro = into thin air.
    * sin dejarse amedrentar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse amilanar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse desanimar = undaunted.
    * sin dejarse intimidar por = undaunted by.
    * sin delimitar = unmapped.
    * sin demora = on the spot, straight away, without delay, at short notice, promptly, right away, at once.
    * sin demorarse un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin demoras = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin desarrollar = undeveloped.
    * sin descansar = without (a) rest.
    * sin descanso = relentlessly, restlessly, breathlessly, unabated, without a break, without (a) rest, day in and day out, without respite.
    * sin descanso, sin un descanso, sin parar, sin descansar, sin interrupción = without a break.
    * sin descubrir = undiscovered.
    * sin descuento = undiscounted.
    * sin desdoblarse = unfolded.
    * sin desearlo = unwantedly.
    * sin desgastar = unworn.
    * sin desperdiciar un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin determinación de culpabilidad = no-fault.
    * sin determinar = undefined.
    * sin detonar = unexploded.
    * sin deudas = debt free.
    * sin dientes = toothless.
    * sin diferencias = undifferentiated.
    * sin dificultad = without difficulty.
    * sin dificultad alguna = without a hitch.
    * sin diluir = undiluted.
    * sin dinero = impecunious.
    * sin dinero en metálico = cashless.
    * sin discapacidad = able-bodied.
    * sin discapacidades = able-bodied.
    * sin disciplina = undisciplined, ill-disciplined.
    * sin discriminar = indiscriminate, on equal terms.
    * sin discutir = no arguments!, undiscussed.
    * sin disminuir = non-decreasing, unabated.
    * sin disolver = undiluted.
    * sin disponer de = in the absence of.
    * sin división espacial = spatially unstructured.
    * sin doblarse = unfolded.
    * sin documentar = undocumented.
    * sin dolor = painless.
    * sin domicilio fijo = of no fixed abode.
    * sin drenar = undrained.
    * sin duda = doubtless, no doubt, of course, surely, to be sure, undoubtedly, indubitably, without a doubt, without doubt, no mistake, hands down.
    * sin duda alguna = without any doubt.
    * sin dudar = without a doubt.
    * sin dudarlo = without hesitation.
    * sin editar = unedited.
    * sin el menor asomo de duda = without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin embargo = however, nevertheless, still, yet, that being said, all this said.
    * sin emitir humo = smokeless.
    * sin empleo = jobless.
    * sin encuadernar = unbound.
    * sin energía = lethargic.
    * sin engorros = hassle-free.
    * sin entallar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin enterrar = unburied.
    * sin entusiasmo = half-hearted [halfhearted].
    * sin envolver = unwrapped.
    * sin errores = error-free.
    * sin escatimar = without stint, unstintingly.
    * sin escenificar = unproduced.
    * sin escrúpulos = unscrupulous, unconscionable, without scruples, unprincipled.
    * sin escurrir = undrained.
    * sin esfuerzo = effortless, effortlessly.
    * sin esfuerzo alguno = effortlessly.
    * sin especializar = non-specialised.
    * sin especificar = unspecified.
    * sin esperanza = hopeless, dispiritedly, hopelessly.
    * sin esperarlo = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin espinas = boneless.
    * sin estar obstaculizado por = untrammelled by.
    * sin estilo = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin estructura = unstructured.
    * sin estudios = ill-educated.
    * sin evaluar = unevaluated.
    * sin examinar = unexamined.
    * sin exceder el presupuesto = budgetable.
    * sin excepción = without exception, without fail.
    * sin excesivo rigor = loosely.
    * sin excusa justificada = unexcused.
    * sin existencias = out-of-stock.
    * sin éxito = unsuccessful.
    * sin experiencia = inexperience, callow [callower -comp., callowest -sup.].
    * sin explicar = unexplained.
    * sin explorar = unexplored.
    * sin explotar = untapped, unexploded.
    * sin extras = no-frills.
    * sin fallar = without fail.
    * sin fallos = flawlessly.
    * sin falta = without fail.
    * sin fecha = undated.
    * sin fechar = undated.
    * sin fianza = without bail.
    * sin fin = never-finishing, never-ending, bottomless, interminably, unending.
    * sin finalidad = purposeless.
    * sin financiación = unfunded.
    * sin fines lucrativos = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * sin firma = unsigned.
    * sin firmar = unsigned.
    * sin fondo = bottomless.
    * sin forma = bodilessly, formless.
    * sin formación = ill-educated.
    * sin formación previa = untrained.
    * sin forrar = uncovered.
    * sin fronteras = borderless.
    * sin fundamento = unwarranted, unsupported, ungrounded, without foundation, without basis.
    * sin fundamento alguno = without any basis.
    * sin ganas = half-heartedly.
    * sin gastos = no cost(s).
    * sin grabar = unengraved.
    * sin gracia = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin grasa = nonfat.
    * sin grasas = nonfat, fat free.
    * sin guardar una correlación = uncorrelated.
    * sin haber contacto = non-contact.
    * sin haber pasado por la calandria = uncalendered.
    * sin habla = speechless.
    * sin hacer = undone.
    * sin hacer caso = regardless.
    * sin hacer distinciones = one size fits all.
    * sin hacer ruido = as quiet as a mouse, furtively, softly.
    * sin herrar = unshod.
    * sin hilación = rambling.
    * sin hogar = homeless.
    * sin hueso = boneless.
    * sin humo = smokeless.
    * sin humor = humourless [humorless, -USA].
    * sin humos = smoke-free.
    * sin idea = clueless.
    * sin ideas preconcebidas = open mind.
    * sin identificar = unidentified, unmapped, unnamed.
    * sin igual = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin impedimentos = unimpeded.
    * sin importancia = negligible, unimportant, trifling, immaterial, of no consequence.
    * sin importar = regardless of, independently of, disregarding.
    * sin importar + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * sin importar el tiempo = all-weather.
    * sin importar las consecuencias = regardless of the consequences.
    * sin importar qué = no matter what/which.
    * sin impuestos = duty-free, tax-free.
    * sin impurezas = purified.
    * sin incluir = unlisted, exclusive of, not including, excluding.
    * sin incluir las comidas = self-catering.
    * sin índice = indexless.
    * sin + Infinitivo = without + Gerundio.
    * sin información sobre el estado anterior = stateless.
    * sin inhibiciones = uninhibited.
    * sin inmutarse = undeterred, impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin intención = involuntarily.
    * sin interés = unexciting, uninteresting, unmoving, vapid.
    * sin interrupción = continuously, without a break, without (a) rest, in an unbroken line.
    * sin interrupciones = in a single phase.
    * sin intervención de un intermediario = disintermediated.
    * sin intervención directa = nonobtrusive.
    * sin investigar = unresearched.
    * sin justificación = unreasonably, unjustified.
    * sin justificación alguna = wantonly.
    * sin justificar = unjustified.
    * sin la amenaza de = unthreatened (by).
    * sin la ayuda de nadie = single-handed, single-handedly.
    * sin la debida autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], warrantless.
    * sin la debida consideración = without due consideration.
    * sin la más mínima duda = without the shadow of a doubt, without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la más mínima duda = beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la menor duda = no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin la menor idea = clueless.
    * sin la menor sombra de duda = without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la suficiente financiación = underfinanced [under-financed].
    * sin lavar = unwashed.
    * sin leer = unread.
    * sin levadura = unleavened.
    * sin licencia = unlicensed.
    * sin líder = leaderless.
    * sin limitaciones = without stint, without limit.
    * sin límite = without limit, without stint, interminably.
    * sin límite(s) = unbounded, unfettered, unstinting, unstintingly, the sky is the limit.
    * sin litoral = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin llamar la atención = inconspicuously.
    * sin lógica ni explicación = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin lugar a dudas = conclusively, undeniably, unquestionably, without any doubt, by all accounts, no mistake, no doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be sure.
    * sin lujos = no-frills.
    * sin luna = moonless.
    * sin luz de luna = moonless.
    * sin madera = woodfree.
    * sin madurar = unripened.
    * sin maldad = guileless.
    * sin malicia = guileless.
    * sin mancha = unblemished, untainted, stainless.
    * sin mangas = sleeveless.
    * sin mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * sin marcar = unpriced.
    * sin marca registrada = non-proprietary.
    * sin más = out of hand, unceremoniously, unceremonious.
    * sin más dilación = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado, without warning.
    * sin más ni más = unceremoniously, unceremonious, for the love of it, without much ado.
    * sin más preámbulos = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado.
    * sin medir = unmeasured.
    * sin mencionar = not to mention, not to say, not to speak of.
    * sin meternos en el hecho de que = to say nothing of.
    * sin mezcla = unmixed.
    * sin mezclar = unmixed.
    * sin miedo = with confidence.
    * sin miramientos = unceremoniously.
    * sin misericordia = ruthlessly.
    * sin modificar = unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin molestias = hassle-free.
    * sin motivo alguno = wantonly.
    * sin motivo aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin motivo justificado = without justified reason.
    * sin moverse del sitio = in place.
    * sin movimiento = unmoving, motionless.
    * sin mucha antelación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha anticipación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha dificultad = painlessly.
    * sin muchas contemplaciones = unceremoniously.
    * sin muchos inconvenientes = without much grudging.
    * sin nada de gracia = unfunny.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin necesidad de ello = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin necesidad de pensar = thought-free.
    * sin ninguna duda = without question, without any doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin ningún cosste = without cost.
    * sin ningún coste = without charge, free of charge, at no cost, free of cost, cost free, for free, costless, at no charge.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo = effortlessly.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo mental = thought-free.
    * sin ningún género de duda = without any doubt whatsoever, without any doubt whatsoever.
    * sin ningún género de dudas = indisputably.
    * sin ningún motivo = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin ningún nivel de especialización = unskilled.
    * sin ningún otro motivo = (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * sin ningún remedio posible = beyond redemption.
    * sin ningún reparo = unabashed.
    * sin ningún resultado = to no avail, without any avail, of no avail.
    * sin ningún tipo de restricciones = no holds barred.
    * sin nombrar = unnamed.
    * sin norte = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin notar la diferencia = seamlessly, seamless.
    * sin nubes = unclouded, uncloudy, cloudless.
    * sin numeración = unnumbered.
    * sin numerar = unnumbered.
    * sin obligaciones = at leisure.
    * sin obstáculos = unchecked, unhindered, unimpeded, unobstructed.
    * sin obstáculos de por medio = uncluttered.
    * sin obstrucciones = unobstructed.
    * sin olor = odourless [odorless, -USA].
    * sin olvidar = not to mention.
    * sin operario = unmanned.
    * sin oposición = without opposition, unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin orden = unordered.
    * sin ordenar = unordered, unsorted.
    * sin orden ni concierto = higgledy-piggledy, without rhyme or reason.
    * sin originalidad = unoriginal.
    * sin palabras = wordless.
    * sin papel = paperless.
    * sin par = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unique, without peer, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin paralelo = unparalleled.
    * sin parangón = unparalleled, unequalled, without peer, matchless.
    * sin parar = steadily, non-stop, without a break, without (a) rest, on-the-go, interminably, without respite, without stopping.
    * sin parar a pensárselo = off-hand [offhand].
    * sin pararse a pensar = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin patente = non-proprietary.
    * sin pausa = breathlessly.
    * sin peculio = impecunious.
    * sin peligro alguno = safely.
    * sin pelo = hairless.
    * sin pelos en la lengua = outspokenly.
    * sin pensar = mindlessly.
    * sin pensar (en) = unmindful of, with little or no thought of, without thinking (about).
    * sin pensarlo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensarlo demasiado = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo detenidamente = out of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo mucho = off the top of + Posesivo + head, right off the bat.
    * sin pensárselo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensárselo dos veces = without a second thought, spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment, at the drop of a hat.
    * sin pepitas = seedless.
    * sin percatarse = without realising, without noticing, unconsciously, unknowingly, unwittingly.
    * sin perder de vista = with an eye on.
    * sin perder un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin pérdida = lossless.
    * sin perjuicio de = notwithstanding.
    * sin perjuicios = open mind.
    * sin permiso = without permission, unlicensed.
    * sin pestañear = impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin pico = flat-topped.
    * sin piedad = ruthlessly, remorseless, mercilessly.
    * sin piel = skinless.
    * sin pies ni cabeza = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin pistas = clueless.
    * sin planificar = unplanned.
    * sin poblar = unpopulated.
    * sin poder contenerse = helplessly.
    * sin poder dormir = sleepless.
    * sin poder extinguirlo = inextinguishably.
    * sin poder hacer nada = helplessly.
    * sin poner en duda la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspension of disbelief.
    * sin poner en escena = unproduced.
    * sin ponerlo en duda = uncritically.
    * sin ponerse en duda = unquestioned.
    * sin precedente = unparalleled, unexampled.
    * sin precedentes = unprecedented, record breaking, record-high, all-time.
    * sin precio = unpriced.
    * sin preguntar = unasked.
    * sin prejuicios = open-minded, fair-minded [fairminded].
    * sin prentesiones = unpretentious.
    * sin preocupaciones = carefree, worry-free.
    * sin preparación técnica = non-technical.
    * sin préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * sin prestar atención = mindlessly.
    * sin pretensiones = unassuming, humble [humbler -comp., humblest -sup.].
    * sin previo aviso = unannounced, without warning, without notice, without prior notice, without prior notification, on spec, at the drop of a hat, without (any) further notice.
    * sin principios = unscrupulous, unprincipled.
    * sin prisa(s) = unhurriedly, leisurely.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * sin procesar = unprocessed.
    * sin propiedades = propertyless.
    * sin propiedad rural = landless.
    * sin protección = unprotected.
    * sin provocación = unprovoked.
    * sin publicar = unpublished.
    * sin pulir = unpolished.
    * sin quejarse = uncomplaining, uncomplainingly.
    * sin quemar = unburned.
    * sin querer = involuntarily, unwilling, by accident, accidentally, unintentionally, unwantedly.
    * sin querer + Infinitivo = unwilling to + Infinitivo.
    * sin quererlo = unwantedly.
    * sin que se entienda = slurred.
    * sin que se note la diferencia = seamlessly.
    * sin rabo = ecaudate.
    * sin razón = wanton, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin razón justificada = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón justificda = for no particular reason.
    * sin recelo = with confidence.
    * sin receta médica = over the counter.
    * sin reclamar = unredeemed.
    * sin recoger = uncollected.
    * sin reconocer = unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * sin reconocimiento de créditos = non-credit.
    * sin recopilar = uncollected.
    * sin recursos = resource-starved.
    * sin refinar = unrefined.
    * sin reflexionar = rashly.
    * sin registrar = unlisted.
    * sin reglamentar = unregulated.
    * sin regular = unregulated.
    * sin regularizar = unregulated.
    * sin relación = unrelated, unconnected.
    * sin relación con = unrelated to.
    * sin remedio = beyond repair, incurably, incorrigibly.
    * sin remordimientos = no-looking-back.
    * sin reparar = unrepaired.
    * sin reparo = unashamed.
    * sin reparos = unshielded.
    * sin representación = unrepresented.
    * sin reserva = unconditionally, unreserved.
    * sin reservas = unshielded, wholehearted [whole-hearted], go + the whole hog, the full monty, without reservation, wholeheartedly [whole-heartedly], forthright, categorical, uncompromising, uncompromisingly, unqualified, categoric, unmitigaged, unreserved, unreservedly.
    * sin residencia fija = of no fixed abode.
    * sin resistencia = unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin resistirse = passively.
    * sin resolver = unresolved, unsolved, unsettled, uncleared.
    * sin respiro = without a break, without (a) rest, without respite.
    * sin responder = unanswered.
    * sin restricciones = unrestricted, unlimited, uninhibited, unrestrictive, unfettered, free-flowing, without stint, without limit, no holds barred, unencumbered.
    * sin restricciones de horario = unscheduled.
    * sin retirar = uncleared, uncollected.
    * sin retrasos = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin revelar = undisclosed, unrevealed.
    * sin revestir = uncoated.
    * sin revisar = unrevised.
    * sin riesgo = riskless.
    * sin rodeos = head-on, baldly, bluntly, outspokenly.
    * sin ruido = soundless.
    * sin rumbo = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin saberlo = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * sin sabor = tasteless.
    * sin saldar = uncollected.
    * sin salida al mar = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin sanción = unsanctioned.
    * sin seleccionar = unselected.
    * sin semillas = seedless.
    * sin sentido = meaningless, purposeless, pointless, senseless, wanton, nonsensical, unconscious.
    * sin sentir ningún reparo = unashamed.
    * sin sentir vergüenza = shamelessly.
    * sin ser afectado = untouched.
    * sin ser anunciado de antemano = unannounced.
    * sin ser consciente de ello = unbeknownst to, unbeknown to.
    * sin ser detectado = undetected.
    * sin ser evaluado por expertos = unrefereed.
    * sin ser necesario = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin ser percibido = out of sight.
    * sin ser superado = unsurpassed.
    * sin ser visto = unseen, undetected, unobserved, out of sight.
    * sin significado = meaningless.
    * sin simplificar = unabridged.
    * * *

    cerveza sin alcohol — non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer

    una pareja sin hijos — a couple with no children, a childless couple


    sin + inf — ( con significado activo) without -ing


    sin + inf — ( con significado pasivo)


    sin que + subj: no voy a ir sin que me inviten I'm not going if I haven't been invited; quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta — get it off him without his o without him noticing

    * * *

    Ex: Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully = Sin las RCAA es dudoso que la catalogación automatizada se hubiera implementado tan fácilmente y con tanto éxito, relativamente hablando.

    * abogado sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * acercarse sin ser visto = sidle up to.
    * afable pero sin sinceridad = suave.
    * agua sin gas = still water.
    * andar sin prisa = mosey.
    * arreglárselas sin = live without, get along without.
    * aunque sin ningún resultado = but (all) to no avail.
    * barato pero sin avergonzarse de ello = cheap and cheerful.
    * biblioteca sin muros = library without walls.
    * biblioteca sin paredes = library without walls.
    * bordado sin consido = needlepoint lace.
    * callejón sin salida = blind alley, catch 22, cul-de-sac, dead end, impasse.
    * camino sin rumbo = the road to nowhere.
    * casi sin previo aviso = without much notice.
    * coche sin caballos = horseless carriage automobile, horseless carriage.
    * colocado sin escalón entre pieza y pieza = edge-flush.
    * continuar sin detenerse = go straight ahead.
    * conversación sin trascendencia = small-talk.
    * decir rápidamente sin parar = rattle off.
    * dejar a Alguien sin aliento = leave + Nombre + breathless.
    * dejar sin cambiar = leave + unchanged.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * dejar sin referente a una referencia anafórica = dangle + anaphoric reference.
    * dejar sin tocar = leave + Nombre + alone.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * demanda sin variaciones = inelastic demand.
    * demostrar sin lugar a dudas = prove + conclusively.
    * demostrar sin ninguna duda = demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * demostrar sin ningún género de duda = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, demonstrate + emphatically, demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * estar sin vivir = be worried sick.
    * evaluación sin intervención del examinador = unobtrusive testing.
    * hablando sin rodeos = crudely put.
    * hablar sin parar = burble on.
    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues.
    * hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * homicidio sin premeditación = manslaughter.
    * ir a un Sitio sin prisa = mosey.
    * lanzarse sin ton ni son = dive + head-first.
    * más largo que un día sin pan = as long as (my/your) arm.
    * medicamento sin receta médica = over the counter medicine.
    * método de la media sin ponderar = unweighted means method.
    * nación sin estado = stateless nation.
    * noche sin poder dormir = sleepless night.
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no sin fundamento = not without basis.
    * oficina sin papel = paperless office.
    * papel sin acidez = acid-free paper.
    * pasar desadvertido, pasar sin ser visto = sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar sin = live without, live without.
    * pasar sin ser visto = go + unnoticed.
    * película sin fin = filmloop [film loop/film-loop].
    * permanecer sin cambios = remain + unchanged.
    * permanecer sin especificar = remain + undefined.
    * pero sin conseguirlo = but no dice.
    * pero sin suerte = but no dice.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * personas sin hogar = homelessness.
    * personas sin techo = homelessness.
    * político sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * pozo sin fondo = bottomless pit.
    * pregunta sin respuesta = unanswerable question.
    * publicación sin papel = paperless publishing.
    * quedarse sin aliento = run out of + breath.
    * quedarse sin habla = stun into + speechlessness.
    * quedarse sin negocio = go out of + business.
    * quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness.
    * rechazar sin más = dismiss + out of hand.
    * referencia anafórica sin referente = dangling anaphoric reference.
    * rima sin sentido = nonsense, nonsense verse.
    * salir sin ser visto = slip out.
    * sin abrir = unopened.
    * sin abrirse = unfolded.
    * sin abrochar = undone.
    * sin acabar = unfinished.
    * sin acentuar = unaccented.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin adornos = unadorned, unvarnished.
    * sin afectar = unaffected.
    * sin afeitar = unshaven.
    * sin afeitar desde hace varios días = stubbly [stubblier -comp., stubbliest -sup.].
    * sin afiliación a un partido político = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * sin afiliación religiosa = non-sectarian [nonsectarian].
    * sin agua = waterless.
    * sin aguja = needleless.
    * sin ajustar = unadjusted, loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin alcohol = alcoholfree.
    * sin aliento = breathlessly, breathless.
    * sin alinear = unjustified.
    * sin alterar = unaltered, unmodified.
    * sin ambigüedad = unambiguous.
    * sin amor = loveless.
    * sin analizar = unexamined, unanalysed.
    * sin ánimo = despondently.
    * sin ánimo de lucro = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making, not-for-profit, generously.
    * sin apenas ser oído = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin apoyo = unsupported.
    * sin apretar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin árboles = treeless.
    * sin arreglo = beyond repair.
    * sin arrepentimiento = no-looking-back.
    * sin asignar = unallocated.
    * sin asignar todavía = unassigned.
    * sin asimilar = undigested.
    * sin atajar = unconfronted.
    * sin atractivo = unattractive.
    * sin atrasos = paid-up, in good standing.
    * sin autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unlicensed.
    * sin avergonzarse = unashamed.
    * sin avisar = unannounced, out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin aviso previo = without warning.
    * sin ayuda = unaided, unassisted.
    * sin ayuda de nadie = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * sin barba = beardless.
    * sin barnizar = unvarnished.
    * sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.
    * sin blanca = broke, skint.
    * sin blanquear = unbleached.
    * sin blindar = unshielded.
    * sin bombo(s) ni platillo(s) = without much ado.
    * sin brillo = dull, tarnished.
    * sin cabeza = headless, decapitated.
    * sin cables = wireless.
    * sin cafeina = decaffeinated.
    * sin calorías = calorieless.
    * sin cambio = inviolate.
    * sin cambios = monotone, stable, undisturbed, unchanged, unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin cancelar = uncancelled.
    * sin canjear = unredeemed.
    * sin cansancio = indefatigably.
    * sin capacidad de discernimiento = undiscriminating.
    * sin cara = faceless.
    * sin carácter = boneless, spineless.
    * sin carne = meatless.
    * sin castigo = impunitive, unpunished.
    * sin catalogar = uncatalogued [uncataloged, -USA].
    * sin causa alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin causa aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin causa justificada = without justified reason.
    * sin causar daño = harmlessly.
    * sin ceremonias = unceremonious, unceremoniously.
    * sin cerrar con llave = unlocked.
    * sin certeza de cobrar = on spec.
    * sin cesar = steadily.
    * sin clases sociales = classless.
    * sin clavos = studless.
    * sin clemencia = mercilessly.
    * sin cobrar = free of charge, unredeemed, uncollected.
    * sin cohesión = scrappily, scrappy [scrappier -comp., scrappiest -sup.], bitty [bittier -comp., bittiest -sup.].
    * sin cohibiciones = unselfconsciously.
    * sin cola = ecaudate.
    * sin columnas = single-column.
    * sin comentar = unannotated.
    * sin comerlo ni beberlo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin comérselo ni bebérselo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin compasión = mercilessly.
    * sin complicaciones = smoothly, boilerplate [boiler plate], uncomplicated, straightforward, uncomplicatedly, hassle-free.
    * sin comprimir = uncompressed.
    * sin comprobar = untested.
    * sin compromiso = without obligation, fancy-free.
    * sin compromisos = with no strings attached.
    * sin concluir = unfinished.
    * sin concretar = to be decided.
    * sin condiciones = unconditionally.
    * sin condiciones especiales = with no strings attached.
    * sin confirmar = unconfirmed, unsubstantiated, unvalidated, to be confirmed.
    * sin conocer = ignorant of.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anteriormente = stateless.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anterior = stateless.
    * sin constancia de ello = unrecorded.
    * sin consumir = nonconsumptive.
    * sin contacto = non-contact.
    * sin contaminar = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * sin contar = not including, excluding.
    * sin contar con = in the absence of.
    * sin contenido = contentless, trivial.
    * sin contratiempos = smoothly.
    * sin control = uncontrolled.
    * sin controlar = unsupervised.
    * sin convicción = doubtfully, lamely.
    * sin coordinación = uncoordinated [unco-ordinated].
    * sin corregir = unamended, uncorrected, unrevised.
    * sin correlacionar = uncorrelated.
    * sin corroborar = unsubstantiated.
    * sin cortapisas = untrammelled.
    * sin cortar = uncut.
    * sin coscarse = without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin costas = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin coste alguno = at no personal cost, at no cost, without cost, costless, without charge, free of charge, free of cost, cost free, for free, at no charge.
    * sin costo adicional alguno = at no extra charge, at no extra cost, at no extra charge.
    * sin costuras = seamless.
    * sin crecimiento = non-growth.
    * sin créditos = non-credit.
    * sin criterio alguno = indiscriminate, indiscriminately.
    * sin cuajar = runny [runnier -comp., runniest -sup.].
    * sin cuantificar = unmeasured.
    * sin cubrir = unfilled.
    * sin cuestionarlo = uncritically.
    * sin cultura = uncultured.
    * sin daños = undamaged.
    * sin dar basto = left, right and centre.
    * sin darle importancia = airily.
    * sin darme cuenta = before I know what's happened.
    * sin darnos cuenta = out of sight.
    * sin darse cuenta = inadvertently, unwittingly, unknowingly, without realising, without noticing, unconsciously.
    * sin debatir = undiscussed.
    * sin decir nada = dumbly.
    * sin decir ni mú = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir ni pío = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin defecto = untainted, unblemished.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * sin dejar rastro = into thin air.
    * sin dejarse amedrentar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse amilanar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse desanimar = undaunted.
    * sin dejarse intimidar por = undaunted by.
    * sin delimitar = unmapped.
    * sin demora = on the spot, straight away, without delay, at short notice, promptly, right away, at once.
    * sin demorarse un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin demoras = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin desarrollar = undeveloped.
    * sin descansar = without (a) rest.
    * sin descanso = relentlessly, restlessly, breathlessly, unabated, without a break, without (a) rest, day in and day out, without respite.
    * sin descanso, sin un descanso, sin parar, sin descansar, sin interrupción = without a break.
    * sin descubrir = undiscovered.
    * sin descuento = undiscounted.
    * sin desdoblarse = unfolded.
    * sin desearlo = unwantedly.
    * sin desgastar = unworn.
    * sin desperdiciar un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin determinación de culpabilidad = no-fault.
    * sin determinar = undefined.
    * sin detonar = unexploded.
    * sin deudas = debt free.
    * sin dientes = toothless.
    * sin diferencias = undifferentiated.
    * sin dificultad = without difficulty.
    * sin dificultad alguna = without a hitch.
    * sin diluir = undiluted.
    * sin dinero = impecunious.
    * sin dinero en metálico = cashless.
    * sin discapacidad = able-bodied.
    * sin discapacidades = able-bodied.
    * sin disciplina = undisciplined, ill-disciplined.
    * sin discriminar = indiscriminate, on equal terms.
    * sin discutir = no arguments!, undiscussed.
    * sin disminuir = non-decreasing, unabated.
    * sin disolver = undiluted.
    * sin disponer de = in the absence of.
    * sin división espacial = spatially unstructured.
    * sin doblarse = unfolded.
    * sin documentar = undocumented.
    * sin dolor = painless.
    * sin domicilio fijo = of no fixed abode.
    * sin drenar = undrained.
    * sin duda = doubtless, no doubt, of course, surely, to be sure, undoubtedly, indubitably, without a doubt, without doubt, no mistake, hands down.
    * sin duda alguna = without any doubt.
    * sin dudar = without a doubt.
    * sin dudarlo = without hesitation.
    * sin editar = unedited.
    * sin el menor asomo de duda = without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin embargo = however, nevertheless, still, yet, that being said, all this said.
    * sin emitir humo = smokeless.
    * sin empleo = jobless.
    * sin encuadernar = unbound.
    * sin energía = lethargic.
    * sin engorros = hassle-free.
    * sin entallar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin enterrar = unburied.
    * sin entusiasmo = half-hearted [halfhearted].
    * sin envolver = unwrapped.
    * sin errores = error-free.
    * sin escatimar = without stint, unstintingly.
    * sin escenificar = unproduced.
    * sin escrúpulos = unscrupulous, unconscionable, without scruples, unprincipled.
    * sin escurrir = undrained.
    * sin esfuerzo = effortless, effortlessly.
    * sin esfuerzo alguno = effortlessly.
    * sin especializar = non-specialised.
    * sin especificar = unspecified.
    * sin esperanza = hopeless, dispiritedly, hopelessly.
    * sin esperarlo = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin espinas = boneless.
    * sin estar obstaculizado por = untrammelled by.
    * sin estilo = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin estructura = unstructured.
    * sin estudios = ill-educated.
    * sin evaluar = unevaluated.
    * sin examinar = unexamined.
    * sin exceder el presupuesto = budgetable.
    * sin excepción = without exception, without fail.
    * sin excesivo rigor = loosely.
    * sin excusa justificada = unexcused.
    * sin existencias = out-of-stock.
    * sin éxito = unsuccessful.
    * sin experiencia = inexperience, callow [callower -comp., callowest -sup.].
    * sin explicar = unexplained.
    * sin explorar = unexplored.
    * sin explotar = untapped, unexploded.
    * sin extras = no-frills.
    * sin fallar = without fail.
    * sin fallos = flawlessly.
    * sin falta = without fail.
    * sin fecha = undated.
    * sin fechar = undated.
    * sin fianza = without bail.
    * sin fin = never-finishing, never-ending, bottomless, interminably, unending.
    * sin finalidad = purposeless.
    * sin financiación = unfunded.
    * sin fines lucrativos = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * sin firma = unsigned.
    * sin firmar = unsigned.
    * sin fondo = bottomless.
    * sin forma = bodilessly, formless.
    * sin formación = ill-educated.
    * sin formación previa = untrained.
    * sin forrar = uncovered.
    * sin fronteras = borderless.
    * sin fundamento = unwarranted, unsupported, ungrounded, without foundation, without basis.
    * sin fundamento alguno = without any basis.
    * sin ganas = half-heartedly.
    * sin gastos = no cost(s).
    * sin grabar = unengraved.
    * sin gracia = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin grasa = nonfat.
    * sin grasas = nonfat, fat free.
    * sin guardar una correlación = uncorrelated.
    * sin haber contacto = non-contact.
    * sin haber pasado por la calandria = uncalendered.
    * sin habla = speechless.
    * sin hacer = undone.
    * sin hacer caso = regardless.
    * sin hacer distinciones = one size fits all.
    * sin hacer ruido = as quiet as a mouse, furtively, softly.
    * sin herrar = unshod.
    * sin hilación = rambling.
    * sin hogar = homeless.
    * sin hueso = boneless.
    * sin humo = smokeless.
    * sin humor = humourless [humorless, -USA].
    * sin humos = smoke-free.
    * sin idea = clueless.
    * sin ideas preconcebidas = open mind.
    * sin identificar = unidentified, unmapped, unnamed.
    * sin igual = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin impedimentos = unimpeded.
    * sin importancia = negligible, unimportant, trifling, immaterial, of no consequence.
    * sin importar = regardless of, independently of, disregarding.
    * sin importar + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * sin importar el tiempo = all-weather.
    * sin importar las consecuencias = regardless of the consequences.
    * sin importar qué = no matter what/which.
    * sin impuestos = duty-free, tax-free.
    * sin impurezas = purified.
    * sin incluir = unlisted, exclusive of, not including, excluding.
    * sin incluir las comidas = self-catering.
    * sin índice = indexless.
    * sin + Infinitivo = without + Gerundio.
    * sin información sobre el estado anterior = stateless.
    * sin inhibiciones = uninhibited.
    * sin inmutarse = undeterred, impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin intención = involuntarily.
    * sin interés = unexciting, uninteresting, unmoving, vapid.
    * sin interrupción = continuously, without a break, without (a) rest, in an unbroken line.
    * sin interrupciones = in a single phase.
    * sin intervención de un intermediario = disintermediated.
    * sin intervención directa = nonobtrusive.
    * sin investigar = unresearched.
    * sin justificación = unreasonably, unjustified.
    * sin justificación alguna = wantonly.
    * sin justificar = unjustified.
    * sin la amenaza de = unthreatened (by).
    * sin la ayuda de nadie = single-handed, single-handedly.
    * sin la debida autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], warrantless.
    * sin la debida consideración = without due consideration.
    * sin la más mínima duda = without the shadow of a doubt, without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la más mínima duda = beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la menor duda = no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin la menor idea = clueless.
    * sin la menor sombra de duda = without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la suficiente financiación = underfinanced [under-financed].
    * sin lavar = unwashed.
    * sin leer = unread.
    * sin levadura = unleavened.
    * sin licencia = unlicensed.
    * sin líder = leaderless.
    * sin limitaciones = without stint, without limit.
    * sin límite = without limit, without stint, interminably.
    * sin límite(s) = unbounded, unfettered, unstinting, unstintingly, the sky is the limit.
    * sin litoral = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin llamar la atención = inconspicuously.
    * sin lógica ni explicación = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin lugar a dudas = conclusively, undeniably, unquestionably, without any doubt, by all accounts, no mistake, no doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be sure.
    * sin lujos = no-frills.
    * sin luna = moonless.
    * sin luz de luna = moonless.
    * sin madera = woodfree.
    * sin madurar = unripened.
    * sin maldad = guileless.
    * sin malicia = guileless.
    * sin mancha = unblemished, untainted, stainless.
    * sin mangas = sleeveless.
    * sin mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * sin marcar = unpriced.
    * sin marca registrada = non-proprietary.
    * sin más = out of hand, unceremoniously, unceremonious.
    * sin más dilación = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado, without warning.
    * sin más ni más = unceremoniously, unceremonious, for the love of it, without much ado.
    * sin más preámbulos = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado.
    * sin medir = unmeasured.
    * sin mencionar = not to mention, not to say, not to speak of.
    * sin meternos en el hecho de que = to say nothing of.
    * sin mezcla = unmixed.
    * sin mezclar = unmixed.
    * sin miedo = with confidence.
    * sin miramientos = unceremoniously.
    * sin misericordia = ruthlessly.
    * sin modificar = unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin molestias = hassle-free.
    * sin motivo alguno = wantonly.
    * sin motivo aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin motivo justificado = without justified reason.
    * sin moverse del sitio = in place.
    * sin movimiento = unmoving, motionless.
    * sin mucha antelación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha anticipación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha dificultad = painlessly.
    * sin muchas contemplaciones = unceremoniously.
    * sin muchos inconvenientes = without much grudging.
    * sin nada de gracia = unfunny.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin necesidad de ello = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin necesidad de pensar = thought-free.
    * sin ninguna duda = without question, without any doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin ningún cosste = without cost.
    * sin ningún coste = without charge, free of charge, at no cost, free of cost, cost free, for free, costless, at no charge.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo = effortlessly.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo mental = thought-free.
    * sin ningún género de duda = without any doubt whatsoever, without any doubt whatsoever.
    * sin ningún género de dudas = indisputably.
    * sin ningún motivo = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin ningún nivel de especialización = unskilled.
    * sin ningún otro motivo = (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * sin ningún remedio posible = beyond redemption.
    * sin ningún reparo = unabashed.
    * sin ningún resultado = to no avail, without any avail, of no avail.
    * sin ningún tipo de restricciones = no holds barred.
    * sin nombrar = unnamed.
    * sin norte = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin notar la diferencia = seamlessly, seamless.
    * sin nubes = unclouded, uncloudy, cloudless.
    * sin numeración = unnumbered.
    * sin numerar = unnumbered.
    * sin obligaciones = at leisure.
    * sin obstáculos = unchecked, unhindered, unimpeded, unobstructed.
    * sin obstáculos de por medio = uncluttered.
    * sin obstrucciones = unobstructed.
    * sin olor = odourless [odorless, -USA].
    * sin olvidar = not to mention.
    * sin operario = unmanned.
    * sin oposición = without opposition, unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin orden = unordered.
    * sin ordenar = unordered, unsorted.
    * sin orden ni concierto = higgledy-piggledy, without rhyme or reason.
    * sin originalidad = unoriginal.
    * sin palabras = wordless.
    * sin papel = paperless.
    * sin par = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unique, without peer, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin paralelo = unparalleled.
    * sin parangón = unparalleled, unequalled, without peer, matchless.
    * sin parar = steadily, non-stop, without a break, without (a) rest, on-the-go, interminably, without respite, without stopping.
    * sin parar a pensárselo = off-hand [offhand].
    * sin pararse a pensar = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin patente = non-proprietary.
    * sin pausa = breathlessly.
    * sin peculio = impecunious.
    * sin peligro alguno = safely.
    * sin pelo = hairless.
    * sin pelos en la lengua = outspokenly.
    * sin pensar = mindlessly.
    * sin pensar (en) = unmindful of, with little or no thought of, without thinking (about).
    * sin pensarlo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensarlo demasiado = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo detenidamente = out of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo mucho = off the top of + Posesivo + head, right off the bat.
    * sin pensárselo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensárselo dos veces = without a second thought, spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment, at the drop of a hat.
    * sin pepitas = seedless.
    * sin percatarse = without realising, without noticing, unconsciously, unknowingly, unwittingly.
    * sin perder de vista = with an eye on.
    * sin perder un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin pérdida = lossless.
    * sin perjuicio de = notwithstanding.
    * sin perjuicios = open mind.
    * sin permiso = without permission, unlicensed.
    * sin pestañear = impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin pico = flat-topped.
    * sin piedad = ruthlessly, remorseless, mercilessly.
    * sin piel = skinless.
    * sin pies ni cabeza = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin pistas = clueless.
    * sin planificar = unplanned.
    * sin poblar = unpopulated.
    * sin poder contenerse = helplessly.
    * sin poder dormir = sleepless.
    * sin poder extinguirlo = inextinguishably.
    * sin poder hacer nada = helplessly.
    * sin poner en duda la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspension of disbelief.
    * sin poner en escena = unproduced.
    * sin ponerlo en duda = uncritically.
    * sin ponerse en duda = unquestioned.
    * sin precedente = unparalleled, unexampled.
    * sin precedentes = unprecedented, record breaking, record-high, all-time.
    * sin precio = unpriced.
    * sin preguntar = unasked.
    * sin prejuicios = open-minded, fair-minded [fairminded].
    * sin prentesiones = unpretentious.
    * sin preocupaciones = carefree, worry-free.
    * sin preparación técnica = non-technical.
    * sin préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * sin prestar atención = mindlessly.
    * sin pretensiones = unassuming, humble [humbler -comp., humblest -sup.].
    * sin previo aviso = unannounced, without warning, without notice, without prior notice, without prior notification, on spec, at the drop of a hat, without (any) further notice.
    * sin principios = unscrupulous, unprincipled.
    * sin prisa(s) = unhurriedly, leisurely.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * sin procesar = unprocessed.
    * sin propiedades = propertyless.
    * sin propiedad rural = landless.
    * sin protección = unprotected.
    * sin provocación = unprovoked.
    * sin publicar = unpublished.
    * sin pulir = unpolished.
    * sin quejarse = uncomplaining, uncomplainingly.
    * sin quemar = unburned.
    * sin querer = involuntarily, unwilling, by accident, accidentally, unintentionally, unwantedly.
    * sin querer + Infinitivo = unwilling to + Infinitivo.
    * sin quererlo = unwantedly.
    * sin que se entienda = slurred.
    * sin que se note la diferencia = seamlessly.
    * sin rabo = ecaudate.
    * sin razón = wanton, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin razón justificada = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón justificda = for no particular reason.
    * sin recelo = with confidence.
    * sin receta médica = over the counter.
    * sin reclamar = unredeemed.
    * sin recoger = uncollected.
    * sin reconocer = unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * sin reconocimiento de créditos = non-credit.
    * sin recopilar = uncollected.
    * sin recursos = resource-starved.
    * sin refinar = unrefined.
    * sin reflexionar = rashly.
    * sin registrar = unlisted.
    * sin reglamentar = unregulated.
    * sin regular = unregulated.
    * sin regularizar = unregulated.
    * sin relación = unrelated, unconnected.
    * sin relación con = unrelated to.
    * sin remedio = beyond repair, incurably, incorrigibly.
    * sin remordimientos = no-looking-back.
    * sin reparar = unrepaired.
    * sin reparo = unashamed.
    * sin reparos = unshielded.
    * sin representación = unrepresented.
    * sin reserva = unconditionally, unreserved.
    * sin reservas = unshielded, wholehearted [whole-hearted], go + the whole hog, the full monty, without reservation, wholeheartedly [whole-heartedly], forthright, categorical, uncompromising, uncompromisingly, unqualified, categoric, unmitigaged, unreserved, unreservedly.
    * sin residencia fija = of no fixed abode.
    * sin resistencia = unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin resistirse = passively.
    * sin resolver = unresolved, unsolved, unsettled, uncleared.
    * sin respiro = without a break, without (a) rest, without respite.
    * sin responder = unanswered.
    * sin restricciones = unrestricted, unlimited, uninhibited, unrestrictive, unfettered, free-flowing, without stint, without limit, no holds barred, unencumbered.
    * sin restricciones de horario = unscheduled.
    * sin retirar = uncleared, uncollected.
    * sin retrasos = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin revelar = undisclosed, unrevealed.
    * sin revestir = uncoated.
    * sin revisar = unrevised.
    * sin riesgo = riskless.
    * sin rodeos = head-on, baldly, bluntly, outspokenly.
    * sin ruido = soundless.
    * sin rumbo = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin saberlo = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * sin sabor = tasteless.
    * sin saldar = uncollected.
    * sin salida al mar = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin sanción = unsanctioned.
    * sin seleccionar = unselected.
    * sin semillas = seedless.
    * sin sentido = meaningless, purposeless, pointless, senseless, wanton, nonsensical, unconscious.
    * sin sentir ningún reparo = unashamed.
    * sin sentir vergüenza = shamelessly.
    * sin ser afectado = untouched.
    * sin ser anunciado de antemano = unannounced.
    * sin ser consciente de ello = unbeknownst to, unbeknown to.
    * sin ser detectado = undetected.
    * sin ser evaluado por expertos = unrefereed.
    * sin ser necesario = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin ser percibido = out of sight.
    * sin ser superado = unsurpassed.
    * sin ser visto = unseen, undetected, unobserved, out of sight.
    * sin significado = meaningless.
    * sin simplificar = unabridged.

    * * *
    A without
    lo tomo con leche y sin azúcar I take milk but no sugar
    reserva garantizada sin recargo guaranteed reservation at no extra cost
    seguimos sin noticias we still haven't had any news
    solicite más información sin compromiso send for more details without obligation
    sin previo aviso with no advance warning
    ¡tírate! ¡sin miedo! jump! don't be scared!
    ¿qué harías tú sin mí? what would you do without me?
    agua mineral sin gas still mineral water
    cerveza sin alcohol non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer
    una pareja sin hijos a couple with no children, a childless couple
    un vuelo sin escalas a non-stop o direct flight
    me quedé sin pan I ran out of bread
    se quedó sin trabajo he lost his job
    una persona totalmente sin escrúpulos a completely unscrupulous person
    1 sin + INF (con significado activo) without -ING
    se fue sin pagar she left without paying
    lo mandaron a la cama sin cenar they sent him to bed without any dinner
    somos diez sin contarlos a ellos there are ten of us not counting them
    estuvo una semana entera sin hablarme she didn't speak to me for a whole week, she went a whole week without speaking to me
    sigo sin entender I still don't understand
    la pisé sin querer I accidentally trod on her foot
    2 sin + INF
    (con significado pasivo): una camisa sin planchar an unironed shirt, a shirt that hasn't/hadn't been ironed
    esto está aún sin terminar this still isn't finished
    C sin QUE + SUBJ:
    los días pasan sin que dé señales de vida the days go by and there is still no word from him, the days go by with no word from him o without any word from him
    no voy a ir sin que me inviten I'm not going if I haven't been invited
    quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta get it off him without his o without him noticing
    * * *


    sin preposición
    1 without;

    seguimos sin noticias we still haven't had any news;
    agua mineral sin gas still mineral water;
    cerveza sin alcohol non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer;
    me quedé sin pan I ran out of bread

    estuvo una semana sin hablarme she didn't speak to me for a week;
    sigo sin entender I still don't understand;
    la pisé sin querer I accidentally trod on her foot

    esto está aún sin terminar it still isn't finished
    3 sin que + subj:

    quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta get it off him without his o without him noticing;
    See Also→ embargo 2
    sin preposición without: se marchó sin ellos, he left without them
    costó mil pesetas, sin contar el IVA, it cost one thousand pesetas, not including VAT
    el edificio estaba sin terminar, the building was unfinished
    entre sin llamar, come in without knocking
    saldré sin que me vea, I'll go out without him seeing
    una bebida sin alcohol, a non-alcoholic drink
    ' sin' also found in these entries:
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - accidental
    - acéfala
    - acéfalo
    - agotar
    - agotada
    - agotado
    - agreste
    - ahora
    - ahorcarse
    - ajena
    - ajeno
    - alguna
    - alguno
    - aliento
    - alquilar
    - ambages
    - amorfa
    - amorfo
    - aparente
    - asesinar
    - aviso
    - ayunas
    - bagatela
    - baja
    - bajo
    - bañera
    - berrido
    - bien
    - blanca
    - blanco
    - bocado
    - bregar
    - bruta
    - bruto
    - burbuja
    - caldo
    - calle
    - callejón
    - calva
    - camino
    - caprichosa
    - caprichoso
    - causa
    - cazo
    - cero
    - accident
    - accidental
    - accidentally
    - accustom
    - ado
    - afraid
    - age
    - agree
    - aimless
    - aimlessly
    - all-time
    - ammunition
    - another
    - antsy
    - anyhow
    - arrogant
    - at
    - attach
    - away
    - AWOL
    - babble
    - backbencher
    - backing
    - bare
    - barge in
    - basic
    - bat
    - bean
    - begin
    - behave
    - beyond
    - blank
    - blind alley
    - blue
    - blunt
    - bluntly
    - blurt out
    - boarding card
    - boarding pass
    - book
    - boorish
    - bootstrap
    - bottomless
    - break
    - breath
    - breathless
    - broke
    - busywork
    - buzz off
    * * *
    SIN nf
    1. (abrev de Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional del Perú) = Peruvian national intelligence department
    2. (abrev de Servicio de Inmigración y Naturalización) INS [US Immigration and Naturalization Service]
    * * *
    prp without;
    sin preguntar without asking;
    sin decir nada without (saying) a word;
    sin paraguas without an umbrella;
    sin que without;
    y sin más and without further ado;
    me lo dijo así, sin más that’s all he said to me, just that
    * * *
    sin prep
    1) : without
    sin querer: unintentionally
    sin refinar: unrefined
    sin que : without
    lo hicimos sin que él se diera cuenta: we did it without him noticing
    * * *
    sin prep
    1. (en general) without

    Spanish-English dictionary > sin

  • 14 lucrativo

    lucrative, gainful, productive, money-making.
    * * *
    1 lucrative, profitable
    * * *
    (f. - lucrativa)
    lucrative, profitable
    * * *
    ADJ lucrative, profitable

    organización no lucrativa — non-profitmaking organization, not-for-profit organization

    * * *
    - va adjetivo lucrative, profitable

    una entidad sin fines lucrativosa nonprofit (AmE) o (BrE) non-profit-making organization

    * * *
    = lucrative, profit-related, money-making.
    Ex. There is a tendency also for solicitors' offices to be located in the more affluent areas, rather than less lucrative, deprived communities.
    Ex. However these distinctions are not always clear cut, the public sector may pursue profit-related goals and the private sector may adopt other goals besides profit (improving work environments, quality of life).
    Ex. Few booksellers regard their shops simply as money-making enterprises: they believe good bookshops are at least as much a cultural necessity as the public libraries.
    * con fines lucrativos = profit-generating.
    * negocio lucrativo = lucrative business.
    * no lucrativo = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * sin fines lucrativos = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * * *
    - va adjetivo lucrative, profitable

    una entidad sin fines lucrativosa nonprofit (AmE) o (BrE) non-profit-making organization

    * * *
    = lucrative, profit-related, money-making.

    Ex: There is a tendency also for solicitors' offices to be located in the more affluent areas, rather than less lucrative, deprived communities.

    Ex: However these distinctions are not always clear cut, the public sector may pursue profit-related goals and the private sector may adopt other goals besides profit (improving work environments, quality of life).
    Ex: Few booksellers regard their shops simply as money-making enterprises: they believe good bookshops are at least as much a cultural necessity as the public libraries.
    * con fines lucrativos = profit-generating.
    * negocio lucrativo = lucrative business.
    * no lucrativo = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * sin fines lucrativos = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.

    * * *
    lucrative, profitable
    una entidad sin fines lucrativos a nonprofit ( AmE) o ( BrE) non-profit-making organization
    * * *

    ◊ -va adjetivo

    lucrative, profitable;
    una entidad sin fines lucrativos a nonprofit (AmE) o (BrE) non-profit-making organization
    lucrativo,-a adjetivo lucrative
    un negocio lucrativo, a lucrative business

    ' lucrativo' also found in these entries:
    - money
    * * *
    lucrativo, -a adj
    no lucrativo non-profit-making, US not-for-profit
    * * *
    adj lucrative
    * * *
    lucrativo, -va adj
    : lucrative, profitable

    Spanish-English dictionary > lucrativo

  • 15 Gewinn

    Gewinn m 1. BÖRSE return; 2. FIN profit, assets, earnings, surplus; 3. FREI benefit; 4. GEN advantage, surplus, income, gain, net income; 5. RW profit, book profit, surplus; 6. STEUER emolument; 7. WIWI surplus einen Gewinn melden RW report a profit Gewinn bringend 1. GEN advantageous, beneficial, gainful; 2. RW profitable; 3. WIWI productive Gewinn erwirtschaften WIWI run a surplus, generate a profit Gewinn erzielen 1. BÖRSE move into the money; 2. RW make a profit Gewinn machen 1. RW make a profit, make profits; 2. WIWI run a surplus Gewinne abziehen WIWI (infrml) milk profits Gewinne einheimsen GEN (infrml) rake in profits Gewinne erzielen BÖRSE make gains, make a profit Gewinne übertrafen die Vorhersagen im ersten Quartal FIN profits surpassed forecasts in the first quarter
    * * *
    m 1. < Börse> return; 2. < Finanz> assets, earnings, surplus; 3. < Frei> benefit; 4. < Geschäft> advantage, surplus, income; 5. < Rechnung> book profit, surplus; 6. < Steuer> emolument; 7. < Verwalt> earnings; 8. <Vw> surplus ■ einen Gewinn melden < Rechnung> report a profit ■ Gewinn bringend 1. < Geschäft> advantageous, beneficial, gainful; 2. < Rechnung> profitable; 3. <Vw> productive ■ Gewinn erwirtschaften <Vw> run a surplus, generate a profit ■ Gewinn erzielen 1. < Börse> move into the money; 2. < Rechnung> make a profit ■ Gewinn machen 1. < Rechnung> make a profit, make profits; 2. <Vw> run a surplus ■ Gewinne abziehen <Vw> milk profits infrml ■ Gewinne einheimsen infrml < Geschäft> rake in profits infrml ■ Gewinne erzielen < Börse> make gains, make a profit ■ Gewinne übertrafen die Vorhersagen im ersten Quartal < Finanz> profits surpassed forecasts in the first quarter
    * * *
    profit, gain, gainings, getting, increment, cleanup (US sl.), (Einkünfte) emolument, spoil, (Erfolg) benefit, (Ertrag) receipts, proceeds, return, yield, produce, avails (US), (Ertrag aus Grund und Boden) issue, (gute Gelegenheit) catch, bargain, market, (aus Gewerbebetrieb) profit, earnings, gain, (Gewinnspanne) [profit] margin, (Kursgewinn) increase, advance, gains, (Nutzen) advantage, account, fruit, (Spekulation) gain, (Überschuss) surplus;
    auf Gewinn gerichtet with a view to profit, for pecuniary benefit, profitmaking, commercial;
    nicht auf Gewinn gerichtet non-commercial, non-profit[-making];
    auf gemeinschaftlichen Gewinn und Verlust gerichtet on joint profit and loss;
    mit Gewinn at a profit, profitably;
    ohne Gewinn profitless, unprofitable;
    abgeführter Gewinn amount surrendered;
    an konzernfremde Gesellschaften abgeführter Gewinn (Bilanz) mandatory profit distributions under agreement;
    an Händler abgegebener Gewinn pass-over profit (US);
    abgezweigter Gewinn profit set aside;
    abrechnungspflichtiger Gewinn profit subject to accounting;
    im Rechnungsabschnitt angefallener Gewinn accounting profit;
    im Geschäft wieder angelegter Gewinn retained earnings (US), earnings ploughed (Br.) (plowed, US) back;
    angemessener Gewinn fair return (profit), reasonable return;
    angesammelte Gewinne accumulated profits;
    rapid ansteigende Gewinne soaring profits;
    auffallende Gewinne striking gains;
    auf die Abteilungen aufgeschlüsselter Gewinn departmental profit;
    ausgeschüttete Gewinne distributed profits;
    nicht ausgeschüttete Gewinne undivided (unappropriated, US) profits, retained earnings (US);
    noch nicht ausgeschüttete Gewinne accumulated profits;
    ausgewiesener Gewinn reported profit;
    ausgezahlter Gewinn (Versicherung) bonus in cash;
    ausschüttungsfähiger Gewinn distributable earnings, unappropriated earned surplus (US);
    außerordentliche Gewinne non-recurring profits;
    beachtlicher Gewinn substantial gain;
    steuerlich bereinigter (berichtigter) Gewinn adjusted profit;
    auf Neubewertung beruhender Gewinn appreciated surplus;
    besteuerungsfähiger Gewinn taxable gain;
    betriebsbedingter Gewinn operating profit;
    betrügerische Gewinne fraudulent gains;
    buchmäßiger Gewinn book profit;
    dicker Gewinn fat profit;
    echter Gewinn actual profit;
    ehrliche Gewinne honest profits;
    einbehaltene Gewinne retained earnings (US);
    einmaliger Gewinn banner profit;
    einmalige Gewinne one-time (banner) gains, banner profits;
    entgangener Gewinn ceasing (lost) profit, ceasing gain;
    nicht entnommener Gewinn retained income (earnings, profit) (US), unwithdrawn (non-drawn, undistributed, paid-in, US) profit, profit ploughed (plowed, US) back;
    im Liquidationszeitraum entstandene Gewinne profits arising during a winding-up;
    ergaunerter Gewinn plunder (sl.);
    erhebliche Gewinne (Börse) substantial gain;
    erhoffter Gewinn anticipated profit;
    erwarteter (zu erwartender) Gewinn prospective (anticipated) profit, lucrative interest;
    aus Arbeit zu erwirtschaftender Gewinn profit derivable from work;
    erzielter Gewinn realized (secured) profit, profit made;
    beim Autoverkauf erzielter Gewinn profit on sale of a motor car;
    an der Börse erzielte Gewinne profits on exchange;
    durch Fremdkapitaleinsatz erzielter Gewinn return earned with use of borrowed funds;
    leicht erzielter Gewinn (Börse) velvet (US);
    im ersten Quartal erzielter Gewinn first-quarter profit;
    tatsächlich erzielter Gewinn actual profit;
    in Übersee erzielte Gewinne overseas gains;
    eventueller Gewinn contingent profit;
    früherer Gewinn past earnings;
    gelegentliche Gewinne casual profits;
    geringer Gewinn small profit;
    gewerblicher Gewinn operating (industrial, commercial) profit;
    glänzende Gewinne booming profits;
    glatter Gewinn clear profit;
    unerwartet hoher Gewinn bonanza (US);
    imaginärer Gewinn expected profit;
    inflationsbedingter Gewinn inflation-generated profit;
    zur Ausschüttung kommender Gewinn distributable profit;
    körperschaftssteuerpflichtige Gewinne profits chargeable to corporation tax;
    laufender Gewinn current earnings;
    mäßiger Gewinn light (slight) profit;
    mitgenommener Gewinn realized profit;
    müheloser Gewinn easy profit;
    optimaler Gewinn optimum profit;
    realisierter Gewinn realized profit (revenue);
    nicht realisierter Gewinn unrealized profit;
    noch nicht realisierter Gewinn contingent (paper, US) profit;
    unrealisierter rechnerischer Gewinn paper profit;
    reiner Gewinn net profit (avails, US);
    rückständige Gewinne back profits;
    schwindende Gewinne shrivel(l)ing profits;
    sicherer Gewinn certain percentage;
    stattlicher Gewinn handsome profit;
    für die Aktionäre zur Verfügung stehender Gewinn profit attributable to shareholders (Br.) (stockholders, US);
    stehen gebliebener Gewinn jackpot, profit left;
    stehen gelassener Gewinn retained (US) (unrealized, left) profit, retained income (US), profit ploughed (Br.) (plowed, US) back;
    zur Ausschüttung zur Verfügung stehender Gewinn distributable earnings, unappropriated earned surplus (US);
    steigender Gewinn growing profit;
    steuerpflichtiger Gewinn attributable profit before taxation, taxable (chargeable, assessable) profit, chargeable gain;
    tatsächlicher Gewinn actual profit;
    thesaurierter Gewinn accumulated (unappropriated, US) profit, profit retained (US), retained earnings (profit, surplus, US, income), accumulated earnings;
    überschießender (überschüssiger) Gewinn excess profit, surplus income (profit);
    unausgeschütteter Gewinn undistributed (undivided) profits, retained earnings;
    unerlaubte Gewinne illicit profits;
    unerwarteter Gewinn windfall profit;
    unlautere Gewinne sordid gains;
    unrealisierte Gewinne paper profits;
    unrechtmäßiger Gewinn illegal profit;
    der Steuerpflicht unterliegende Gewinne profits brought within the charge of tax, chargeable gains;
    der Körperschaftssteuer unterworfene Gewinne profits chargeable to corporation tax;
    unverteilter Gewinn unappropriated [earned, US] surplus, undistributed (non-distributed) net profit (Br.), undivided profit;
    veranlagungspflichtiger Gewinn chargeable gain, profit brought within the charge of tax;
    verfügbarer Gewinn available profit;
    für die Dividendenausschüttung verfügbarer Gewinn unappropriated profit (US), unappropriated earned surplus (US);
    nach Rückstellung auf Rücklagekonto verfügbarer Gewinn net surplus (US);
    verkürzter Gewinn shave-off profit;
    versteckter Gewinn hidden (secret) profit;
    zu versteuernder Gewinn taxable profit (earnings);
    dieses Jahr zu versteuernder Gewinn gain taxable this year;
    versteuerter Gewinn taxed profit, profit after tax;
    verteilbarer Gewinn available profit;
    zu verteilender Gewinn distributable earnings;
    verteilter Gewinn appropriated surplus;
    nicht verteilter (verwertbarer) Gewinn accumulated profit, unappropriated [earned, US] surplus, surplus earnings (US);
    nicht verwendete Gewinne unapplied profits;
    vorgetragener Gewinn profit carried forward;
    vorweggenommener Gewinn anticipated bonus, deferred profit;
    wesentliche Gewinne material gains;
    den Rücklagen zugewiesene (zugeführte) Gewinne (Bilanz) appropriated earnings (US), earned surplus (US), profit retained and added to reserve;
    gesetzlich zugerechneter Gewinn profit appendant;
    vertraglich zugerechneter Gewinn profit appurtenant;
    zurechenbarer Gewinn (Einkommensteuer) attributable profit;
    zusätzlicher Gewinn extra profit;
    nicht zweckgebundener Gewinn available (disposable) surplus;
    einbehaltene Gewinne und Abschreibungen retained cashflow;
    Gewinne nach Abzug von Steuern after-tax earnings (profit);
    Gewinn vor Abzug von Steuern pretax profit (earnings), earnings (profit) before tax;
    Gewinn je Aktie earnings per share (stock, US);
    Gewinn vor Berücksichtigung der Steuern pretax profit;
    Gewinn aus Beteiligungen investment profit, profit due from participation;
    Gewinn aus Buchwerterhöhungen appreciated surplus, surplus of appreciation;
    Gewinn aus Devisengeschäften gain from exchange operations;
    Gewinn vor Fusionierung profit prior to consolidation;
    Gewinne im Geschäftsjahr (Versicherung) underwriting (insurance) profits;
    Gewinne aus einem nicht genehmigten Gewerbe unlawful profits;
    Gewinn aus Gewerbebetrieb business profit;
    Gewinn aus der Hauptbetriebstätigkeit operating profit;
    Gewinn bei Kalkulation zu Marktpreisen nach Abzug fälliger Steuern current cost profit after deducting taxation payable;
    Gewinn aus Kapitalanlagen income from capital investment;
    Gewinn je Kapitaleinheit profitability ratio (US);
    Gewinne aus Monopolen (Bilanz) profits from patents and secret processes (Br.), monopoly profits (US);
    Gewinn aus Neubewertung reappraisal surplus;
    Gewinn aus Prägung von Scheidemünzen minor coinage profit fund (US);
    Gewinn nach Steuern profit after taxes;
    kleine Gewinne, große Umsätze small profits, quick returns;
    Gewinn aus Veräußerungen sales profit;
    Gewinne aus dem Verkauf von Anlagegütern profits on the sale of fixed assets;
    Gewinn und Verlust profit and loss account, losings and winnings;
    Gewinn vor Vornahme von Abschreibungen profit before depreciation;
    Gewinn nach Vortrag (Bilanz) profit balance;
    Gewinne aus Wertpapieranlagen income from securities, investment income;
    Gewinn abwerfend paying, remunerative;
    Gewinn bringend profitable, gainful, lucrative, profit-producing (-making), remunerative, revenue- (profit-) earning, pay[ing], payable, advantageous;
    Gewinn abführen to surrender a profit;
    seinen Gewinn vom Wettbüro abholen to collect one’s winnings from the betting shop;
    mit Gewinn abschließen to show a profit;
    Transaktion mit Gewinn abschließen to make a profit out of a transaction;
    Gewinne abschöpfen to siphon off (cream away) profits;
    Gewinn abwerfen to leave (bring in, render, yield, return) profit, to leave a margin, to be profitable, to pay;
    angemessenen Gewinn abwerfen to yield a fair profit, to bring an adequate return;
    Gewinne aktivieren to capitalize profits;
    Gewinn bringend anlegen to invest advantageously (one’s money to good account);
    mit Gewinn arbeiten to operate (run) at a profit, to operate in the black (coll.), to be on a profitable basis, to work with good result;
    wieder mit Gewinn arbeiten to be back in the black (US coll.);
    Gewinne aufschlüsseln (verhältnismäßig aufteilen, anteilmäßig aufteilen) to prorate profits (US);
    Gewinn untereinander aufteilen to split the profit;
    Gewinn aufweisen to show profit;
    keinerlei Gewinne aufweisen to show a nil balance on its profits;
    seine Gewinne aufzehren to eat up (improve away) one’s profits;
    Gewinn und Verlust durchschnittlich ausgleichen to give and take, to average;
    Gewinn ausschütten to distribute a surplus, to divide profits;
    Gewinne nachteilig beeinflussen to hurt profits;
    Gewinn beschneiden to trim profits;
    j. am Gewinn beteiligen to give s. o. a share in the profits;
    mit Gewinn betreiben to be on a profitable basis, to operate profitably, to be in the black (US coll.);
    Bergwerk mit Gewinn betreiben to work a mine at a profit;
    Gewinn [ein]bringen to be profitable, to show profit, to pay, to bring in, to [yield a handsome] profit;
    Gewinne einkalkulieren to compute profits;
    Gewinn einstreichen to reap a profit, to sweep the board;
    gewaltige Gewinne einstreichen to make huge profits;
    unberechtigten Gewinn einstreichen to pocket a profit;
    unerlaubte Gewinne einstreichen to make illicit profits;
    Gewinn entnehmen to draw the profits;
    Gewinn nicht entnehmen und im Geschäft wieder anlegen to plough (plow, US) back earnings into business;
    Gewinn ermitteln to determine profit;
    Gewinn erzielen to realize (operate at, make, secure, draw) a profit, to come out of the red (US coll.);
    angemessenen Gewinn erzielen to turn a healthy profit;
    anständige Gewinne erzielen to make fair profits;
    10 Pfund Gewinn erzielen to be ten pounds to the good;
    Gewinn feststellen to ascertain (determine) the profit;
    Anteil am Gewinn haben to have a share in the profit;
    reinen Gewinn ergeben haben to have netted;
    bisher noch keinen Gewinn gemacht haben to have produced zero profit to date;
    seine Gewinne niedrig halten to hold down profits;
    mit einem Gewinn herauskommen (Lotterie) to win a prize;
    Gewinne hochschrauben to kick up earnings;
    Gewinn kassieren to lock in the profit;
    dicke Gewinne kassieren to mop profits;
    lukrative Gewinne buchungstechnisch in Steueroasen anfallen lassen to book most of one’s lucrative business through tax havens;
    Gewinne machen to make profits;
    Gewinn mitnehmen to take profits, to pick up bargains;
    Gewinne realizieren (Börse) to reap (realize, take) profits, to cash in;
    mit Gewinn rechnen to look to profit;
    Gewinne scheffeln to rake in profits;
    am Gewinn beteiligt sein to have an interest in the profits, to share in profits;
    ganzen Gewinn aufs Spiel setzen to play on the velvet (US);
    Gewinn teilen to share gains, to pool profits, to cut (US sl.);
    am Gewinn teilnehmen to partake of the profits;
    Gewinn thesaurieren to retain the profit;
    Gewinn und Verlust zu gleichen Teilen tragen to go shares;
    Gewinne transferieren to repatriate (remit) profits;
    sich von jem. ohne Gewinn und Verlust trennen to break even with s. o.;
    mit Gewinn verkaufen to sell to advantage (at a profit), (Wertpapiere) to sell at a premium;
    Gewinn verrechnen to appropriate profits;
    mit späteren Gewinnen verrechnen to carry forward long-term losses (US);
    Gewinn mit einem Verlust verrechnen to set off a gain against a loss;
    Gewinne verschleiern to conceal profits;
    Gewinn verteilen to divide (distribute) the profits (proceeds);
    Gewinn unter die Angestellten verteilen to allocate the profit among the employees;
    thesaurierte Gewinne für Investitionen verwenden to retain profits for expansion;
    Gewinne verzeichnen to post profits, to post (record) gains;
    kleine Gewinne verzeichnen to register (show) small gains;
    große Gewinne vorweisen to exhibit large profits;
    mit einem Gewinn winken to hold forth hopes of profit;
    Gewinn mit etw. erzielen wollen to do s. th. for profit;
    schnell Gewinn machen wollen to be out for quick killing (fam.);
    großen Gewinn zeitigen to result in a large profit;
    Gewinn ziehen aus to take advantage of, to benefit from;
    einen großen Gewinn aus etw. ziehen to thrive on s. th.;
    Gewinn aus einem Geschäft ziehen to make a profit on a transaction;
    keinen bedeutenden Gewinn aus etw. ziehen to extract no unusual profit from s. th.;
    Gewinne steuerlich zurechnen to allocate (attribute) profits;
    Gewinnabfall profit drop, skid in profits;
    Gewinnabführung surrender of profits, profit transfer;
    Gewinnabführungssteuer excess-profits tax (US);
    Gewinnabführungsvertrag surrender-of-profits agreement;
    Gewinnabnahme fall in profits.

    Business german-english dictionary > Gewinn

  • 16 sector

    1 section.
    el sector automovilístico the motor industry
    sector cuaternario leisure industries o sector
    sector primario/secundario primary/secondary sector
    sector privado/público private/public sector
    sector servicios o terciario service industries o sector
    2 sector, area (zona).
    * * *
    1 (gen) sector
    3 figurado (parte) section
    sector primario / sector secundario / sector terciario primary industry / secondary industry / tertiary industry
    sector privado / sector público private sector / public sector
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (Econ, Geom) sector

    sector terciario — tertiary sector, service industries pl, service sector

    2) (=sección) [de opinión] section; [de ciudad] area, sector

    sector industrial Col industrial estate (Brit), industrial park (EEUU)

    * * *
    a) ( grupo) sector, group
    b) (Mat) sector
    c) ( de ciudad) area
    d) (Com, Econ) sector
    * * *
    = end, section, sector, segment, sphere.
    Ex. Scanning must start to the left of the bar codes and must continue past the right end.
    Ex. Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.
    Ex. DC is certainly not regarded as the perfect classification scheme even in sectors where there is no serious alternative.
    Ex. No such constraints exist where online display is anticipated, since only one segment at a time is displayed.
    Ex. I am not convinced that people become connoisseurs -- experts: educated and discriminating people in any sphere -- from limited knowledge and experience, no matter how rich in quality.
    * dirigido a un sector de la población específico = sector-orientated.
    * disco de sectores blandos = soft sectored disc.
    * en algunos sectores = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores de la población = in some quarters.
    * en muchos sectores = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sectores de la población = in many quarters.
    * establecer sectores = sectoring.
    * industria del sector turístico = tourism industry.
    * sector académico, el = academic sector, the.
    * sector agrícola = agricultural sector.
    * sector bancario, el = banking sector, the.
    * sector bibliotecario = library sector.
    * sector blando = soft sector.
    * sector comercial, el = profit-oriented sector, the, profit sector, the, commercial sector, the, for-profit sector, the.
    * sector de la cría de cerdos, el = pig sector, the.
    * sector de la edición, el = publishing sector, the.
    * sector de la industria farmacéutica, el = pharmaceutical sector, the.
    * sector de la información, el = information sector, the, infosphere, the.
    * sector de las agencias de viajes, el = travel industry, the, travel sector, the.
    * sector del censo = census tract.
    * sector duro = hard sector.
    * sector editorial, el = publishing sector, the.
    * sector empresarial, el = business sector, the, commercial sector, the.
    * sectores = quarters.
    * sector financiero, el = finance sector, the.
    * sector industrial, el = industrial sector, the.
    * sector lácteo, el = dairy sector, the.
    * sector lechero, el = dairy sector, the.
    * sector marginado = deprived sector.
    * sector más avanzado = high end.
    * sector no comercial, el = not-for-profit sector, the, non-profit sector, the.
    * sector privado = private enterprise.
    * sector privado, el = private sector, the, profit sector, the.
    * sector público, el = public sector, the.
    * sector superior = high end.
    * sector terciario = third sector.
    * * *
    a) ( grupo) sector, group
    b) (Mat) sector
    c) ( de ciudad) area
    d) (Com, Econ) sector
    * * *
    = end, section, sector, segment, sphere.

    Ex: Scanning must start to the left of the bar codes and must continue past the right end.

    Ex: Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.
    Ex: DC is certainly not regarded as the perfect classification scheme even in sectors where there is no serious alternative.
    Ex: No such constraints exist where online display is anticipated, since only one segment at a time is displayed.
    Ex: I am not convinced that people become connoisseurs -- experts: educated and discriminating people in any sphere -- from limited knowledge and experience, no matter how rich in quality.
    * dirigido a un sector de la población específico = sector-orientated.
    * disco de sectores blandos = soft sectored disc.
    * en algunos sectores = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores de la población = in some quarters.
    * en muchos sectores = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sectores de la población = in many quarters.
    * establecer sectores = sectoring.
    * industria del sector turístico = tourism industry.
    * sector académico, el = academic sector, the.
    * sector agrícola = agricultural sector.
    * sector bancario, el = banking sector, the.
    * sector bibliotecario = library sector.
    * sector blando = soft sector.
    * sector comercial, el = profit-oriented sector, the, profit sector, the, commercial sector, the, for-profit sector, the.
    * sector de la cría de cerdos, el = pig sector, the.
    * sector de la edición, el = publishing sector, the.
    * sector de la industria farmacéutica, el = pharmaceutical sector, the.
    * sector de la información, el = information sector, the, infosphere, the.
    * sector de las agencias de viajes, el = travel industry, the, travel sector, the.
    * sector del censo = census tract.
    * sector duro = hard sector.
    * sector editorial, el = publishing sector, the.
    * sector empresarial, el = business sector, the, commercial sector, the.
    * sectores = quarters.
    * sector financiero, el = finance sector, the.
    * sector industrial, el = industrial sector, the.
    * sector lácteo, el = dairy sector, the.
    * sector lechero, el = dairy sector, the.
    * sector marginado = deprived sector.
    * sector más avanzado = high end.
    * sector no comercial, el = not-for-profit sector, the, non-profit sector, the.
    * sector privado = private enterprise.
    * sector privado, el = private sector, the, profit sector, the.
    * sector público, el = public sector, the.
    * sector superior = high end.
    * sector terciario = third sector.

    * * *
    1 (grupo) sector, group
    ningún sector social se puede beneficiar de estas medidas no sector of society o no social group can benefit from these measures
    2 ( Mat) sector
    el sector norte de la ciudad the northern area o part of the city
    4 ( Com, Econ) sector
    este sector de la economía this sector o area of the economy
    la empresa líder en su sector the leading company in its field
    el sector agrario the agricultural sector o industry, agriculture
    agricultural sector o industry
    used o second-hand car market
    aviation industry
    construction industry
    auto industry ( AmE), motor industry ( BrE), car industry ( BrE)
    air transportation sector ( AmE), air transport sector ( BrE)
    service o tertiary sector
    business o corporate sector
    ( Col) (actividad) industrial sector; (zona) industrial area o zone, industrial estate ( BrE)
    primary sector
    private sector
    public sector
    secondary o manufacturing sector
    tertiary o service sector
    * * *


    sector sustantivo masculino

    b) (Mat) sector

    d) (Com, Econ) sector

    sector sustantivo masculino
    1 (de una ciudad, edificio, etc) area
    2 (de un grupo) sector
    3 Geom Econ sector
    sector primario/ secundario, primary/secondary sector
    sector público/privado, public/private sector
    ' sector' also found in these entries:
    - sabática
    - sabático
    - siderúrgica
    - siderúrgico
    - agrario
    - banca
    - bancario
    - cabeza
    - empresa
    - este
    - informal
    - oeste
    - segmento
    - sudeste
    - sudoeste
    - sur
    - bracket
    - down-market
    - industrial unrest
    - put
    - section
    - sector
    - service industry
    - service sector
    - downmarket
    - enterprise
    - manufacturing
    - muscle
    - private
    - public
    - segment
    - service
    * * *
    sector nm
    1. [división] section;
    todos los sectores de la sociedad the whole of society
    2. Econ sector, industry;
    el líder del sector the industry leader
    sector cuaternario leisure industries o sector;
    sector exterior foreign sector;
    sector primario primary sector;
    sector privado private sector;
    sector público public sector;
    sector secundario secondary sector;
    sector servicios service industries o sector;
    sector terciario service industries o sector
    3. [zona] sector, area;
    en el sector norte de la ciudad in the northern area o part of the city
    4. Geom sector
    * * *
    m sector
    * * *
    sector nm
    : sector
    * * *
    3. (de industria) sector / industry [pl. industries]
    el sector privado / público the private / public sector

    Spanish-English dictionary > sector

  • 17 near cash

    гос. фин. The resource budget contains a separate control total for “near cash” expenditure, that is expenditure such as pay and current grants which impacts directly on the measure of the golden rule.
    This paper provides background information on the framework for the planning and control of public expenditure in the UK which has been operated since the 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR). It sets out the different classifications of spending for budgeting purposes and why these distinctions have been adopted. It discusses how the public expenditure framework is designed to ensure both sound public finances and an outcome-focused approach to public expenditure.
    The UK's public spending framework is based on several key principles:
    consistency with a long-term, prudent and transparent regime for managing the public finances as a whole;
    " "
    the judgement of success by policy outcomes rather than resource inputs;
    " "
    strong incentives for departments and their partners in service delivery to plan over several years and plan together where appropriate so as to deliver better public services with greater cost effectiveness; and
    the proper costing and management of capital assets to provide the right incentives for public investment.
    The Government sets policy to meet two firm fiscal rules:
    the Golden Rule states that over the economic cycle, the Government will borrow only to invest and not to fund current spending; and
    the Sustainable Investment Rule states that net public debt as a proportion of GDP will be held over the economic cycle at a stable and prudent level. Other things being equal, net debt will be maintained below 40 per cent of GDP over the economic cycle.
    Achievement of the fiscal rules is assessed by reference to the national accounts, which are produced by the Office for National Statistics, acting as an independent agency. The Government sets its spending envelope to comply with these fiscal rules.
    Departmental Expenditure Limits ( DEL) and Annually Managed Expenditure (AME)
    Departmental Expenditure Limit ( DEL) spending, which is planned and controlled on a three year basis in Spending Reviews; and
    Annually Managed Expenditure ( AME), which is expenditure which cannot reasonably be subject to firm, multi-year limits in the same way as DEL. AME includes social security benefits, local authority self-financed expenditure, debt interest, and payments to EU institutions.
    More information about DEL and AME is set out below.
    In Spending Reviews, firm DEL plans are set for departments for three years. To ensure consistency with the Government's fiscal rules departments are set separate resource (current) and capital budgets. The resource budget contains a separate control total for “near cash” expenditure, that is expenditure such as pay and current grants which impacts directly on the measure of the golden rule.
    To encourage departments to plan over the medium term departments may carry forward unspent DEL provision from one year into the next and, subject to the normal tests for tautness and realism of plans, may be drawn down in future years. This end-year flexibility also removes any incentive for departments to use up their provision as the year end approaches with less regard to value for money. For the full benefits of this flexibility and of three year plans to feed through into improved public service delivery, end-year flexibility and three year budgets should be cascaded from departments to executive agencies and other budget holders.
    Three year budgets and end-year flexibility give those managing public services the stability to plan their operations on a sensible time scale. Further, the system means that departments cannot seek to bid up funds each year (before 1997, three year plans were set and reviewed in annual Public Expenditure Surveys). So the credibility of medium-term plans has been enhanced at both central and departmental level.
    Departments have certainty over the budgetary allocation over the medium term and these multi-year DEL plans are strictly enforced. Departments are expected to prioritise competing pressures and fund these within their overall annual limits, as set in Spending Reviews. So the DEL system provides a strong incentive to control costs and maximise value for money.
    There is a small centrally held DEL Reserve. Support from the Reserve is available only for genuinely unforeseeable contingencies which departments cannot be expected to manage within their DEL.
    AME typically consists of programmes which are large, volatile and demand-led, and which therefore cannot reasonably be subject to firm multi-year limits. The biggest single element is social security spending. Other items include tax credits, Local Authority Self Financed Expenditure, Scottish Executive spending financed by non-domestic rates, and spending financed from the proceeds of the National Lottery.
    AME is reviewed twice a year as part of the Budget and Pre-Budget Report process reflecting the close integration of the tax and benefit system, which was enhanced by the introduction of tax credits.
    AME is not subject to the same three year expenditure limits as DEL, but is still part of the overall envelope for public expenditure. Affordability is taken into account when policy decisions affecting AME are made. The Government has committed itself not to take policy measures which are likely to have the effect of increasing social security or other elements of AME without taking steps to ensure that the effects of those decisions can be accommodated prudently within the Government's fiscal rules.
    Given an overall envelope for public spending, forecasts of AME affect the level of resources available for DEL spending. Cautious estimates and the AME margin are built in to these AME forecasts and reduce the risk of overspending on AME.
    Together, DEL plus AME sum to Total Managed Expenditure (TME). TME is a measure drawn from national accounts. It represents the current and capital spending of the public sector. The public sector is made up of central government, local government and public corporations.
    Resource and Capital Budgets are set in terms of accruals information. Accruals information measures resources as they are consumed rather than when the cash is paid. So for example the Resource Budget includes a charge for depreciation, a measure of the consumption or wearing out of capital assets.
    Non cash charges in budgets do not impact directly on the fiscal framework. That may be because the national accounts use a different way of measuring the same thing, for example in the case of the depreciation of departmental assets. Or it may be that the national accounts measure something different: for example, resource budgets include a cost of capital charge reflecting the opportunity cost of holding capital; the national accounts include debt interest.
    Within the Resource Budget DEL, departments have separate controls on:
    Near cash spending, the sub set of Resource Budgets which impacts directly on the Golden Rule; and
    The amount of their Resource Budget DEL that departments may spend on running themselves (e.g. paying most civil servants’ salaries) is limited by Administration Budgets, which are set in Spending Reviews. Administration Budgets are used to ensure that as much money as practicable is available for front line services and programmes. These budgets also help to drive efficiency improvements in departments’ own activities. Administration Budgets exclude the costs of frontline services delivered directly by departments.
    The Budget preceding a Spending Review sets an overall envelope for public spending that is consistent with the fiscal rules for the period covered by the Spending Review. In the Spending Review, the Budget AME forecast for year one of the Spending Review period is updated, and AME forecasts are made for the later years of the Spending Review period.
    The 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review ( CSR), which was published in July 1998, was a comprehensive review of departmental aims and objectives alongside a zero-based analysis of each spending programme to determine the best way of delivering the Government's objectives. The 1998 CSR allocated substantial additional resources to the Government's key priorities, particularly education and health, for the three year period from 1999-2000 to 2001-02.
    Delivering better public services does not just depend on how much money the Government spends, but also on how well it spends it. Therefore the 1998 CSR introduced Public Service Agreements (PSAs). Each major government department was given its own PSA setting out clear targets for achievements in terms of public service improvements.
    The 1998 CSR also introduced the DEL/ AME framework for the control of public spending, and made other framework changes. Building on the investment and reforms delivered by the 1998 CSR, successive spending reviews in 2000, 2002 and 2004 have:
    provided significant increase in resources for the Government’s priorities, in particular health and education, and cross-cutting themes such as raising productivity; extending opportunity; and building strong and secure communities;
    " "
    enabled the Government significantly to increase investment in public assets and address the legacy of under investment from past decades. Departmental Investment Strategies were introduced in SR2000. As a result there has been a steady increase in public sector net investment from less than ¾ of a per cent of GDP in 1997-98 to 2¼ per cent of GDP in 2005-06, providing better infrastructure across public services;
    " "
    introduced further refinements to the performance management framework. PSA targets have been reduced in number over successive spending reviews from around 300 to 110 to give greater focus to the Government’s highest priorities. The targets have become increasingly outcome-focused to deliver further improvements in key areas of public service delivery across Government. They have also been refined in line with the conclusions of the Devolving Decision Making Review to provide a framework which encourages greater devolution and local flexibility. Technical Notes were introduced in SR2000 explaining how performance against each PSA target will be measured; and
    not only allocated near cash spending to departments, but also – since SR2002 - set Resource DEL plans for non cash spending.
    To identify what further investments and reforms are needed to equip the UK for the global challenges of the decade ahead, on 19 July 2005 the Chief Secretary to the Treasury announced that the Government intends to launch a second Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) reporting in 2007.
    A decade on from the first CSR, the 2007 CSR will represent a long-term and fundamental review of government expenditure. It will cover departmental allocations for 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010 11. Allocations for 2007-08 will be held to the agreed figures already announced by the 2004 Spending Review. To provide a rigorous analytical framework for these departmental allocations, the Government will be taking forward a programme of preparatory work over 2006 involving:
    an assessment of what the sustained increases in spending and reforms to public service delivery have achieved since the first CSR. The assessment will inform the setting of new objectives for the decade ahead;
    " "
    an examination of the key long-term trends and challenges that will shape the next decade – including demographic and socio-economic change, globalisation, climate and environmental change, global insecurity and technological change – together with an assessment of how public services will need to respond;
    " "
    to release the resources needed to address these challenges, and to continue to secure maximum value for money from public spending over the CSR period, a set of zero-based reviews of departments’ baseline expenditure to assess its effectiveness in delivering the Government’s long-term objectives; together with
    further development of the efficiency programme, building on the cross cutting areas identified in the Gershon Review, to embed and extend ongoing efficiency savings into departmental expenditure planning.
    The 2007 CSR also offers the opportunity to continue to refine the PSA framework so that it drives effective delivery and the attainment of ambitious national standards.
    Public Service Agreements (PSAs) were introduced in the 1998 CSR. They set out agreed targets detailing the outputs and outcomes departments are expected to deliver with the resources allocated to them. The new spending regime places a strong emphasis on outcome targets, for example in providing for better health and higher educational standards or service standards. The introduction in SR2004 of PSA ‘standards’ will ensure that high standards in priority areas are maintained.
    The Government monitors progress against PSA targets, and departments report in detail twice a year in their annual Departmental Reports (published in spring) and in their autumn performance reports. These reports provide Parliament and the public with regular updates on departments’ performance against their targets.
    Technical Notes explain how performance against each PSA target will be measured.
    To make the most of both new investment and existing assets, there needs to be a coherent long term strategy against which investment decisions are taken. Departmental Investment Strategies (DIS) set out each department's plans to deliver the scale and quality of capital stock needed to underpin its objectives. The DIS includes information about the department's existing capital stock and future plans for that stock, as well as plans for new investment. It also sets out the systems that the department has in place to ensure that it delivers its capital programmes effectively.
    This document was updated on 19 December 2005.
    Near-cash resource expenditure that has a related cash implication, even though the timing of the cash payment may be slightly different. For example, expenditure on gas or electricity supply is incurred as the fuel is used, though the cash payment might be made in arrears on aquarterly basis. Other examples of near-cash expenditure are: pay, rental.Net cash requirement the upper limit agreed by Parliament on the cash which a department may draw from theConsolidated Fund to finance the expenditure within the ambit of its Request forResources. It is equal to the agreed amount of net resources and net capital less non-cashitems and working capital.Non-cash cost costs where there is no cash transaction but which are included in a body’s accounts (or taken into account in charging for a service) to establish the true cost of all the resourcesused.Non-departmental a body which has a role in the processes of government, but is not a government public body, NDPBdepartment or part of one. NDPBs accordingly operate at arm’s length from governmentMinisters.Notional cost of a cost which is taken into account in setting fees and charges to improve comparability with insuranceprivate sector service providers.The charge takes account of the fact that public bodies donot generally pay an insurance premium to a commercial insurer.the independent body responsible for collecting and publishing official statistics about theUK’s society and economy. (At the time of going to print legislation was progressing tochange this body to the Statistics Board).Office of Government an office of the Treasury, with a status similar to that of an agency, which aims to maximise Commerce, OGCthe government’s purchasing power for routine items and combine professional expertiseto bear on capital projects.Office of the the government department responsible for discharging the Paymaster General’s statutoryPaymaster General,responsibilities to hold accounts and make payments for government departments and OPGother public bodies.Orange bookthe informal title for Management of Risks: Principles and Concepts, which is published by theTreasury for the guidance of public sector bodies.Office for NationalStatistics, ONS60Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARYOverdraftan account with a negative balance.Parliament’s formal agreement to authorise an activity or expenditure.Prerogative powerspowers exercisable under the Royal Prerogative, ie powers which are unique to the Crown,as contrasted with common-law powers which may be available to the Crown on the samebasis as to natural persons.Primary legislationActs which have been passed by the Westminster Parliament and, where they haveappropriate powers, the Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly. Begin asBills until they have received Royal Assent.arrangements under which a public sector organisation contracts with a private sectorentity to construct a facility and provide associated services of a specified quality over asustained period. See annex 7.5.Proprietythe principle that patterns of resource consumption should respect Parliament’s intentions,conventions and control procedures, including any laid down by the PAC. See box 2.4.Public Accountssee Committee of Public Accounts.CommitteePublic corporationa trading body controlled by central government, local authority or other publiccorporation that has substantial day to day operating independence. See section 7.8.Public Dividend finance provided by government to public sector bodies as an equity stake; an alternative to Capital, PDCloan finance.Public Service sets out what the public can expect the government to deliver with its resources. EveryAgreement, PSAlarge government department has PSA(s) which specify deliverables as targets or aimsrelated to objectives.a structured arrangement between a public sector and a private sector organisation tosecure an outcome delivering good value for money for the public sector. It is classified tothe public or private sector according to which has more control.Rate of returnthe financial remuneration delivered by a particular project or enterprise, expressed as apercentage of the net assets employed.Regularitythe principle that resource consumption should accord with the relevant legislation, therelevant delegated authority and this document. See box 2.4.Request for the functional level into which departmental Estimates may be split. RfRs contain a number Resources, RfRof functions being carried out by the department in pursuit of one or more of thatdepartment’s objectives.Resource accountan accruals account produced in line with the Financial Reporting Manual (FReM).Resource accountingthe system under which budgets, Estimates and accounts are constructed in a similar wayto commercial audited accounts, so that both plans and records of expenditure allow in fullfor the goods and services which are to be, or have been, consumed – ie not just the cashexpended.Resource budgetthe means by which the government plans and controls the expenditure of resources tomeet its objectives.Restitutiona legal concept which allows money and property to be returned to its rightful owner. Ittypically operates where another person can be said to have been unjustly enriched byreceiving such monies.Return on capital the ratio of profit to capital employed of an accounting entity during an identified period.employed, ROCEVarious measures of profit and of capital employed may be used in calculating the ratio.Public Privatepartnership, PPPPrivate Finance Initiative, PFIParliamentaryauthority61Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARYRoyal charterthe document setting out the powers and constitution of a corporation established underprerogative power of the monarch acting on Privy Council advice.Second readingthe second formal time that a House of Parliament may debate a bill, although in practicethe first substantive debate on its content. If successful, it is deemed to denoteParliamentary approval of the principle of the proposed legislation.Secondary legislationlaws, including orders and regulations, which are made using powers in primary legislation.Normally used to set out technical and administrative provision in greater detail thanprimary legislation, they are subject to a less intense level of scrutiny in Parliament.European legislation is,however,often implemented in secondary legislation using powers inthe European Communities Act 1972.Service-level agreement between parties, setting out in detail the level of service to be performed.agreementWhere agreements are between central government bodies, they are not legally a contractbut have a similar function.Shareholder Executive a body created to improve the government’s performance as a shareholder in businesses.Spending reviewsets out the key improvements in public services that the public can expect over a givenperiod. It includes a thorough review of departmental aims and objectives to find the bestway of delivering the government’s objectives, and sets out the spending plans for the givenperiod.State aidstate support for a domestic body or company which could distort EU competition and sois not usually allowed. See annex 4.9.Statement of Excessa formal statement detailing departments’ overspends prepared by the Comptroller andAuditor General as a result of undertaking annual audits.Statement on Internal an annual statement that Accounting Officers are required to make as part of the accounts Control, SICon a range of risk and control issues.Subheadindividual elements of departmental expenditure identifiable in Estimates as single cells, forexample cell A1 being administration costs within a particular line of departmental spending.Supplyresources voted by Parliament in response to Estimates, for expenditure by governmentdepartments.Supply Estimatesa statement of the resources the government needs in the coming financial year, and forwhat purpose(s), by which Parliamentary authority is sought for the planned level ofexpenditure and income.Target rate of returnthe rate of return required of a project or enterprise over a given period, usually at least a year.Third sectorprivate sector bodies which do not act commercially,including charities,social and voluntaryorganisations and other not-for-profit collectives. See annex 7.7.Total Managed a Treasury budgeting term which covers all current and capital spending carried out by the Expenditure,TMEpublic sector (ie not just by central departments).Trading fundan organisation (either within a government department or forming one) which is largely orwholly financed from commercial revenue generated by its activities. Its Estimate shows itsnet impact, allowing its income from receipts to be devoted entirely to its business.Treasury Minutea formal administrative document drawn up by the Treasury, which may serve a wide varietyof purposes including seeking Parliamentary approval for the use of receipts asappropriations in aid, a remission of some or all of the principal of voted loans, andresponding on behalf of the government to reports by the Public Accounts Committee(PAC).62Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARY63Managing Public MoneyValue for moneythe process under which organisation’s procurement, projects and processes aresystematically evaluated and assessed to provide confidence about suitability, effectiveness,prudence,quality,value and avoidance of error and other waste,judged for the public sectoras a whole.Virementthe process through which funds are moved between subheads such that additionalexpenditure on one is met by savings on one or more others.Votethe process by which Parliament approves funds in response to supply Estimates.Voted expenditureprovision for expenditure that has been authorised by Parliament. Parliament ‘votes’authority for public expenditure through the Supply Estimates process. Most expenditureby central government departments is authorised in this way.Wider market activity activities undertaken by central government organisations outside their statutory duties,using spare capacity and aimed at generating a commercial profit. See annex 7.6.Windfallmonies received by a department which were not anticipated in the spending review.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > near cash

  • 18 некоммерческий

    1) General subject: non profirable, non profit making, non-profit-making, noncommercial, non-profit (AD), not-for-profit (US English- AD), uncommercial
    2) Medicine: orphan product (В медицине, приборы, наркотики и т.д., которые могут быть применены для редких заболеваний и не выгодны в финансовом плане для производителей этой продукции за неимением массового спроса.)
    3) Economy: nonprofit, nontrading
    4) Cinema: (о кино) arthouse
    5) Theatre: art

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > некоммерческий

  • 19 corporation

    1) эк., брит., ист. корпорация (в средние века: организация, которой в соответствии с королевской хартией были дарованы какие-л. привилегии, которые сохранялись при любых изменениях в составе организаций; корпорациями становились города, купеческие гильдии, церкви, благотворительные организации и т. п.)
    а) эк., брит. корпорация ( неофициальное название company)
    б) эк. корпорация; общество; объединение; юридическое лицо (термин употребляется для перевода на английский язык названия юридической формы предпринимательства неанглоязычной системы права "акционерное общество", реже — для перевода на английский язык понятия "юридическое лицо"; как правило, имеется в виду акционерное общество [акционерная компания\] континентального права: организационно-правовая форма предприятий, формирующих свой капитал посредством выпуска и продажи акций; такое общество всегда является юридическим лицом в системе континентального права; этот термин нельзя путать с аналогичным термином в американском праве)
    CHILD [purpose\]: business corporation, non-profit corporation, professional corporation CHILD [liability\]: CHILD [tax rights\]: 501(c)(3) corporation, controlled corporation, private corporation, public corporation CHILD [scope\]: domestic corporation 1), foreign corporation 1), global corporation, international corporation, multinational corporation, supranational corporation, transnational corporation CHILD [jurisdiction\]: federal corporation, African Reinsurance Corporation, Asian Reinsurance Corporation, Canadian Commercial Corporation, China International Trust and Investment Corporation, Commodity Credit Corporation, Commonwealth Development Corporation, Export Development Corporation, Foreign Credit Insurance Corporation, Inter-American Investment Corporation, Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation, International Finance Corporation, Korea Trade Promotion Corporation, Overseas Private Investment Corporation, Private Export Funding Corporation, joint-stock company, continental law, common law, artificial person
    в) эк., амер. корпорация (юридическая форма предпринимательства, отличительные черты которой заключаются в следующем: корпорация представляет собой самостоятельный субъект гражданского права, ведущий независимое от своих членов существование; существование корпорации не может быть прекращено иначе, как по решению суда или самих участников корпорации, принятому на основании устава и законов; по обязательствам корпорации исключительную ответственность несет сама корпорация в пределах принадлежащего ей имущества; корпорация является объектом двойного налогообложения, поскольку ее доходы облагаются налогом дважды: как прибыль компании и как доход акционеров, который они получают после ее распределения; капитал корпораций формируется путем размещения [выпуска\] акций; порядок создания и основные принципы функционирования корпораций в США определяются на уровне законодательства штатов; в большинстве случаев в основе законодательства штатов лежат принципы принятого в 1946 г. на федеральном уровне примерного закона "О предпринимательских корпорациях")
    for-profit corporation, business corporation
    ordinary share, preference share, Model Business Corporation Act, Revised Model Business Corporation Act, non-profit corporation, private corporation, closely held corporation, de jure corporation, de facto corporation, corporation by estoppel, professional corporation, sole corporation, aggregate corporation, domestic corporation 2), domestic international sales corporation, foreign corporation 2), foreign sales corporation, subsidiary corporation, parent corporation, trading corporation, collapsible corporation, quasi-public corporation, dummy corporation, dormant corporation, incorporated forms of business, public corporation, private corporation, C Corporation, S Corporation, charter of incorporation, certificate of incorporation, agreement corporation, Edge Act corporation, Edge corporation
    3) общ. корпорация, муниципалитет (самоуправляющаяся административно-территориальная единица, обладающая правами юридического лица)

    * * *
    Corp corporation корпорация: юридическое лицо, зарегистрированное в соответствии с законодательством; 1) в США: акционерная компания с ограниченной ответственностью, зарегистрированная на уровне штата; может совершать сделки, быть субъектом судебных разбирательств, выпускать акции, нести ответственность; 2) в Великобритании: местный орган власти.
    * * *
    . акционерная форма организации собственности, созданная с целью защиты каких-либо привилегий ее участников. К. объединяет промышленные, научные, финансовые и другие предприятия и учреждения, а также предприятия и организации непроизводственной сферы. Высший орган управления К. - собрание акционеров, которое созывается не реже одного раза в год. Собрание акционеров выбирает распорядительный орган управления. К. - Совет директоров. Число его членов зависит от размера К. и колеблется от 1-3- до 25 чел. Совет директоров назначает на одни год администрацию. К. которая является исполнительным органом. Глава администрации - главный управляющий. В администрацию входят также президент, один или несколько вице-президентов, главный юридический советник, Казначей. секретарь. Администрация является оперативным штабом управления К. . Юридическое лицо, отличное от своих владельцев. Помимо прочего, корпорация имеет право на владение активами, принятие на себя обязательств и продажу ценных бумаг Словарь экономических терминов 1 .
    * * *
    группа людей или организация людей, уполномоченная законом действовать как одно лицо и имеющая права и обязанности, отличные от прав и обязанностей людей, формирующих корпорацию

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > corporation

  • 20 gewerbsmäßig

    gewerbsmäßig adv GEN commercial, industrial, for profit, for gain
    * * *
    business[like], professional, on a commercial scale;
    nicht gewerbsmäßig non-profit;
    etw. gewerbsmäßig betreiben to do s. th. for profit, to make a business out of s. th.

    Business german-english dictionary > gewerbsmäßig

См. также в других словарях:

  • For-profit education — (also known as the education services industry or proprietary education) refers to educational institutions operated by private, profit seeking businesses. There are two major types of for profit schools. One type is known as an educational… …   Wikipedia

  • For-profit school — For profit schools are educational institutions that are run by private, profit seeking companies or organizations, selling education to those who want to buy it. [ [http://www.allonlineschools.com/online education resource center/online degrees… …   Wikipedia

  • For-profit corporation — A for profit corporation is a corporation that is intended to operate a business which will return a profit to the owners. A for profit corporation, depending on the jurisdiction to which it is incorporated, may be operated either as a stock… …   Wikipedia

  • Not just for profit — (NJFP) is a concept that captures an expanded set of values for defining and evaluating for profit private sector organizations, not only by their ability to generate profit as is done traditionally, but also by their determination and success in …   Wikipedia

  • Business — For other uses, see Business (disambiguation). Firm redirects here. For other uses, see The Firm …   Wikipedia

  • Non-profit journalism — (abbreviated as NPJ, also known as a not for profit journalism or think tank journalism)[1][2][3] is the practice of journalism as a non profit organization instead of a for profit business. NPJ groups are able to operate and serve the public… …   Wikipedia

  • Humanitarian response by for-profit organisations to the 2010 Haiti earthquake — Contents 1 Africa 1.1  Kenya 2 Asia 2.1  Isra …   Wikipedia

  • Business process improvement — (BPI) is a systematic approach to help an organization optimize its underlying processes to achieve more efficient results. The methodology was first documented in H. James Harrington’s 1991 book Business Process Improvement.[1] It is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Not For Profit — A not for profit organization is a type of organization that does not earn profits for its owners. All of the money earned by or donated to a not for profit organization is used in pursuing the organization s objectives. Typically not for profit… …   Investment dictionary

  • not-for-profit — An organization established for charitable, humanitarian, or educational purposes that is exempt from some taxes and in which no one in profits or losses. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * not for profit ˌnot for ˈprofit adjective [only before …   Financial and business terms

  • Business Process Improvement — (BPI) is a systematic approach to help any organization optimize its underlying processes to achieve more efficient results. Overview The organization may be a for profit business, a non profit organization, a government agency, or any other… …   Wikipedia

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